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Braemar release second edition of their highly praised guide to Hull & Machinery

A key reference book covering some of the common terminology used for ships Marine survey reports frequently contain engineering terminology which can often be unfamiliar to the non engineers in the wider spectrum of the shipping industry. In an attempt to bridge this gap Braemar (Incorporating the Salvage Association) has released the second edition of their Guide to Hull & Machinery, a key reference book covering some of the common terminology used for ships, their engines, and ship's related operation, which is often encountered in survey reports.The first version of the Guide to Hull & Machinery, released last year, was met with such enthusiasm by the marine insurance market that Braemar have now produced a new enhanced version. The second edition includes additional data such as explanations on gross and net register tonnages, subdivision and load line, deck mooring fittings and lifting appliances, whilst some useful guide formulas are included on selection of wires and synthetic ropes.In the machinery section data can be found on gear boxes, fuel and lube oil systems, purifiers and transmission systems, whilst the sheer scale of marine engines in comparison to a human body can now be appreciated on the section of typical propulsion engines.Dino ...

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High efficiency air supported hulls tank tested at SSPA Sweden

Hull resistance reduction of up to 50 % recorded Effect Ships International AS (ESI) is reporting extraordinary results from tank testing of their Air Supported Vessel (ASV) mono hulls, in the SSPA towing tank in Gothenburg, Sweden.ESI's patented ASV Mono hull underway in the towing tank at 30 knotsA 50% reduction in hull resistance over market leading conventional hulls is not commonplace. But that is exactly what was recorded. Deduct 3-6% to power the lift fan system, and there is still a 40% + reduction in powering or fuel consumption left.Yards and end users alike are frantically searching for ways to beat the high fuel costs and to improve environmental aspects. Different kinds of air based solutions are evaluated. Air lubrication and air bubbling techniques are investigated to improve performance and reduce hull resistance.Ulf Tudem, general manager for ESI is convinced ASV technology is the most efficient. "It is unquestionable that a full separation between the vessel's hull and water, by means of a proper layer of air (ASV) will reduce resistance more than use of an air and water mix (air lubrication) on the same underwater area. "Bubbling the hull" will have the least hull resistance reducing effect of ...

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Subsea Solutions Alliance Begins Environmentally Friendly Hull Cleaning

Port of Vancouver, BC, Canada re-opened to Hull cleaning and Propeller polishing The global shipping industry remains stuck betweeninternational and regional regulatory requirements andefficient cost effective ship operations.Environmentalistscontinue to keep ships in the spotlight by focusing theirattacks on the air pollution produced by ships. Regionaland local port authorities remain focused on keeping theirwaters free of invasive species and metals like copper,nickel and other harmful chemicals potentially releasedduring routine hull maintenance cleaning and propellerpolishing.Considering the fact that more and more localport authorities are closing the door on hull cleaning andpropeller polishing, theSubsea Solutions Alliancehasbeen focused on finding methods of performing thesecritical maintenance items in an environmentally friendlyway that keeps our regulatory authorities happy andcustomer operations efficient. Investing over 2 years oftime and resources and almost a million US dollars into theresearch and development program for an innovativemethod of Hull Cleaning, the Subsea Solutions Allianceis pleased to announce that our environmentally friendlycleaning machine has been approved for use in the port ofVancouver, Canada.With the port of Vancouver, Canada being closed to hull cleaning for several yearsnow, the Subsea Solutions Alliance could not remain idle, considering the fact that each and every daycustomer inquiries for this critical service continued to pour in to ...

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The stricken cargo ship Rena splits in two

But remains firmly wedged on the Astrolabe Reef The stricken cargo ship Rena has split in two but remains firmly wedged on the Astrolabe Reef off the coast Tauranga.Maritime New Zealand today said a gaping crack in the ship's hull had widened in swells of up to 5m on Saturday.The vessel may still be joined together under the surface and divers would investigate as the weather permitted.A spokeswoman this afternoon said there was no change to the ship's state today, and it remained firmly wedged on the reef, where it ran aground early October.Light oil sheens were seen coming from the bow and stern of the ship this morning, with an unknown quantity of oil still on board.Two containers are confirmed to have fallen overboard on Saturday while a further nine have been "misplaced''.These could have been crushed in the hold or fallen overboard.Four oiled blue penguins were collected in the past two days, which would be sent to the wildlife recovery centre later this week.One oiled blue penguin was found dead.One dotterel, two grey faced petrels and 17 penguins are in care at the Massey facility in Palmerston North.Winds of between 10 and 20 knots and swells of 1-2m ...

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Huge waves damage anti-whaling boat

10 crew on board Brigitte Bardot Anti-whaling activists chasing the Japanese harpoon fleet suffered a major setback Thursday when the hull of one of their ships cracked in massive seas and a second had to divert to its rescue.The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society said the Brigitte Bardot's hull split when it was struck by a "rogue wave" as it tailed the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru in six metre (20-foot) swells some 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometres) southwest of Australia."The crack has been getting wider as the seas continue to pound the vessel," the activist group said.Sea Shepherd spokesman Paul Watson said lead vessel the Steve Irwin was en route to the troubled Brigitte Bardot, which has also suffered severe damage to one of its pontoons, but warned it would take 20 hours to get there.The Bardot's captain, South African-born Jonathan Miles Renecle, was "confident that the ship will stay afloat until the Steve Irwin arrives" he added."This is disappointing but these are hostile seas and we have always been prepared for situations like this," Watson said."Right now the safety of my crew on the Brigitte Bardot is our priority and we intend to reach the crew and then do what ...

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ABP, Siemens Submit Applications for Green Port Hull Project

Development of the proposed Green Port Hull facility Associated British Ports (ABP) and Siemens plc announce that they are submitting applications to Hull City Council for the development of the proposed Green Port Hull facility.Joint applications are being made for the demolition of existing buildings at Alexandra Dock and the development of a factory, office and amenity facilities and a helicopter landing site, as well as areas for the storage, handling, assembly, and testing of wind turbine components.An additional joint application is being made for the erection of an operational wind turbine together with associated infrastructure.Dan McGrail, Project Manager for Siemens, said: "We are very pleased that another significant milestone in the project has been achieved, and we look forward to discussing plans further with the local community during the consultation process. Both Siemens and ABP would like to thank Hull City Council and the local community for helping us reach today's milestone and for their support."ABP is also making a number of separate applications, which include marine and listed building consents, and an application for the removal and variation of conditions attached to the consent granted by the Associated British Ports (Hull) Harbour Revision Order 2006 relating to land ...

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STX Pan Ocean VLOC newbuild suffers hull cracking

Water flosw into its ballast tank A STX Pan Ocean VLOC chartered to Vale has a crack in its hull according to reports in the Brazilian press.The 400,000 dwt Vale Beijing had developed a crack in the hull, which was allowing water to flow into the ballast tank according to a report by the O Globo newspaper. The vessel is moored at Port Ponta da Madeira in Maranhão and operations are underway to pump water out of the ballast tank to stabilise the vessel, the report said.The Vale Beijing was delivered in September this year and was built by STX Offshore & Shipbuilding. It was the first of eight such ships to be delivered to STX Pan OceanSource: Seatrade Asia

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Settlement agreed for ship designer in hull cracking case

Owners were suffering from financial difficulties International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC), managed by Thomas Miller, has highlighted the level of exposure to liability which naval architects can face, especially in today's financially troubled shipping industry.ITIC cites the case of a firm of naval architects instructed to design a vessel to be used for a new ferry service. When the vessel was completed, the owners alleged that it suffered from structural inadequacies, which included continued cracking of the hull. As a result, they claimed, it could not perform in certain weather conditions as they had requested it should do, even following repeated repairs.At one point, the local maritime authority had to reduce the number of passengers which the vessel could safely carry. Eventually, the ferry service was completely suspended and the owners started legal action against the naval architects in the sum of $600,000. This covered the cost of repairs, loss of use, loss of profits and diminution of value of the vessel. Expert evidence was obtained on behalf of the naval architects, but it was not particularly helpful to the defence.It became apparent that the owners were suffering from financial difficulties, in part due to the fact that the ferry ...

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