Tag: Hong Kong

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Hong Kong ship insurers unable to fill void in Iran oil cover

After EU sanctions take effect from July Hong Kong maritime insurers will not provide full cover to tankers carrying Iranian oil after EU sanctions take effect from July, a senior industry official told Reuters, another blow to Chinese importers struggling to find ways around the measures. As more insurers confirm they will soon halt or sharply reduce coverage to tankers operating in Iran, China's government may need to step in and take the risk to get contracted crude supplies from Tehran, said Arthur Bowring, managing director of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association. China is the top buyer of Iranian crude.Bowring's comments come days after officials at China's P&I club, which covers more than 1,000 ships, told Reuters the insurer would not extend cover to tankers carrying Iranian oil when the new EU sanctions come into force. "For the liability coverage that we now need, the reinsurance is essential and that comes from the international market, which of course is affected by the sanctions," said Bowring.The association represents shipowners who receive insurance coverage for more than 2,000 ships. Reinsurance helps spread the risk when the coverage surpasses what commercial insurers can handle. The EU sanctions on Tehran will close off the ...

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Missing Hong Kong cargo ship: 11 rescued by Japan coastguard

Ship went missing in a storm on Tuesday Japan's coastguard has rescued 11 of 17 crew members from a Hong Kong-registered cargo ship that went missing in a storm on Tuesday.The 4,143-tonne ship, called New Lucky VII, went missing about 100km (60 miles) west of the southern Japanese island of Amami Oshima on Tuesday.One Taiwanese, two Chinese and 14 Indonesian sailors were on board, said Japanese media reports.The search for the remaining six crew members is continuing.The vessel, which was carrying timber from Papua New Guinea to China, lost contact with its owners during the storm.'Severe storm'The Japanese coastguard launched a search operation on Thursday, following a request from the Hong Kong authorities.Patrol vessels reported large amounts of oil afloat in the sea where the ship had lost contact with its owner, raising fears it had sunk.The coastguard found nine crew members on a life raft drifting about 60km from the ship's last known position.Another two sailors were found on a life raft nearby.An official said that the rescued crew members - eight Indonesian, two Chinese, and one Taiwanese - appeared unhurt."But we have not had further details including their identification, the fate of the remaining six crew as well ...

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Closure of Ports of Abkhazia, Georgia

Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Note The Hong Kong Marine Department issues Merchant Shipping Information Note regardingClosure of Ports of Abkhazia, Georgia The purpose of this Note is to remind Shipowners, Ship Managers, Ship Operators and Ship Masters that foreign vessels are prohibited by the Government of Georgia from entering the ports and adjacent waters of Abkhazia, Georgia.The Government of Georgia informs that a number of ships flying flags of various states were found to have entered the ports of Abkhazia, Georgia, although the IMO had already informed its Member States by Circular letters No. 2290 and No. 3043 that foreign vessels were prohibited by the Government of Georgia from entering the above ports including waters adjacent to the coastline i.e. internal waters, territorial sea, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The above circular letters can be found on Marine Department Website at (http://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/msnote/msin.html) attached to this MSIN.Unless special permission has been granted by the Government of Georgia, all vessels are prohibited from entering the ports and adjacent waters of Abkhazia, Georgia. Severe sanctions will be imposed against those vessels which are found to have violated the above provision. Permission to enter the above ports and adjacent waters could ...

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Rising costs threaten Hong Kong low-sulphur shipping plan

Fuel with a sulphur content of 0.5 percent or less while berthed in Hong Kong Shipping lines voluntarily using costly low-sulphur fuel to reduce air pollution in Hong Kong will finally get government help to offset their higher fuel bills. But soaring fuel costs and a lack of government action to force all shipping firms to use low-sulphur fuel in Hong Kong may see some operators switch back to oil with a higher sulphur content, the South China Morning Post reported.Chan Ming-yau, general manager of the Marine Department's ship safety branch, said shipping lines that were signatories to the Fair Winds Charter would start to receive a rebate on port charges in June or July. The Marine Department and Environmental Protection Department are finalising details of how the scheme will be implemented, but these issues should be resolved quickly and the first payments made in two or three months, he said.Under the scheme, which will cost the government US$32.5 million over three years, shipping companies using low-sulphur fuel will be entitled to a 50 percent cut in port and light dues charged on ocean-going vessels while berthed in Hong Kong.The scheme was included in the financial secretary's budget proposals approved ...

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United Nations Sanctions (Libya) – Regulation 2012

Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Note Hong Kong Marine Department issues Merchant Shipping Information Note regarding United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2011 (Amendment)Regulation 2012 as follows:The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) gazetted the United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2011 (Amendment) Regulation 2012 (L.N. 42 of 2012) (the 'Amendment Regulation') on 16 March 2012. The 'Amendment Regulation,' which came into effect on 16 March 2012, amends existing sanctions against Libya to implement decisions of the United Nations Security Council on the supply, sale, transfer or carriage of arms or related materiel and their related activities to Libya.Further to the United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2011 (L.N.114 of 2011) promulgated by the Merchant Shipping Information Note No. 26/2011, HKSAR gazetted the United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2011 (Amendment) Regulation 2012 (L.N. 42 of 2012) on 16 March 2012. The 'Amendment Regulation', made under section 3 of the United Nations Sanctions Ordinance (Cap. 537) amends existing sanctions against Libya to implement decisions of the United Nations Security Council under Resolutions 2009(2011) and 2016(2011) dated 16 September 2011 and 27 October 2011 respectively. The 'Amendment Regulation' provides for:(a) prohibition against the supply, sale, transfer or carriage of arms or related ...

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United Nations Sanctions (Afghanistan) – Regulation 2012

Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Note Hong Kong Marine Department issues Merchant Shipping Information Note regarding United Nations Sanctions (Afghanistan ) Regulation 2011 (Amendment) Regulation 2012 as follows:The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) gazetted theUnited Nations Sanctions (Afghanistan) Regulation 2012 (the '2012 Regulation') (L.N. 43 of 2012) and the United Nations Sanctions (Afghanistan) Regulation (Repeal) Regulation (the'Repeal Regulation') (L.N. 44 of 2012) on 16 March 2012. Both the '2012 Regulation' and the 'Repeal Regulation' will come into effect on 23 March 2012 and implement sanctions against Afghanistan imposed by the United Nations Security Council on the supply, sale, transfer or carriage of arms or related materiel to certain persons or entities and their relatedactivities.1. The '2012 Regulation' and the 'Repeal Regulation' are made under section 3 of the United Nations Sanctions Ordinance (Cap. 537). The 'Repeal Regulation' repeals the United Nations Sanctions (Afghanistan) Regulation (Cap.537 sub. leg. K).2. The '2012 Regulation' and the 'Repeal Regulation' implement sanctions against Afghanistan imposed by the United Nations Security Council under Resolution 1988(2011) adopted on 17 June 2011. The sanctions under the '2012 Regulation' include:(a) prohibition against the supply, sale, transfer or carriage of arms or relatedmateriel to certain persons ...

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Mr. Arthur Bowring, Managing Director - Hong Kong Shipowners Association Mr. Bowring goes through his career and explains that in some measure he likens his development to a tree on his way to his current position. His considers his main function to be the welfare of seafarers.The Association's chief purpose is to promote and protect the interests of the Hong Kong domiciled shipowners and ship managers as well as the increasing number of local professions and services upon whom they rely in the performance of their business.

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Fatal Accident while boarding vessel by pilot ladder

Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Note Hong Kong Marine Department issues Merchant Shipping Information Note regarding Fatal Accident while boarding vessel by pilot ladder as follows:The relieving Chief Engineer of a Hong Kong registered bulk carrier fell into the water and drowned while he was boarding the vessel by means of the pilot ladder. This information note draws the attention of Shipowners, Ship Managers, Ship Operators, Masters, Officers and Crew to the lessons learnt from this accident.The Accident1. A Hong Kong registered bulk carrier was at anchor in light ship condition with high freeboard for crew repatriation. The relieving Chief Engineer (C/E), who had injected a dose of insulin about 1 hour before the accident and arrived at the ship's side after about 14 hours of transportation, fell into the water when he was climbing the pilot ladder to board the vessel. He was retrieved from the water to the service launch by the joint effort of the launch attendant and the ship's crew in about 10 minutes. Despite first aid treatment and cardiopulmonary resuscitation applied to him on the launch as well as emergency treatment in the hospital, he was certified dead afterwards.2. At the time of the accident, ...

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Port of Hong Kong Prepares for Bigger Ships

Port of Hong Kong is preparing for a burst in trade between Asia and the Gulf Coast Port of Hong Kong is preparing for a burst in trade between Asia and the Gulf Coast when a nearly complete expansion of the Panama Canal doubles the waterway's size."Indeed, we are dredging our container terminals so that - like many other ports - we will be able to receive mega-vessels," said Donald Tong, Hong Kong's commissioner for economic and trade affairs.The Port of Hong Kong, located by the South China Sea, is a deepwater seaport dominated by trade in containerised manufactured products, and to a lesser extent raw materials and passengers.A key factor in the economic development of Hong Kong, the natural shelter and deep waters of Victoria Harbour provide ideal conditions for berthing and handling all types of vessels.It is one of the busiest ports in the world, in the three categories of shipping movements, cargo handled and passengers carried.Source: Dredging Today

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The Sailors Society host their first Hong Kong Shipping Dinner

Dinner During China Maritime Week Worldwide maritime charity, Sailors' Society are inviting companies attending China Maritime Week to join them as they host a spectacular fundraising dinner next month in Hong Kong.Sailors' Society, which exists to enrich the lives of the world's 1.2 million seafarers through its network of Port Chaplains, is improving its presence in Asia as many of the maritime industry's key organisations are based in Hong Kong and Singapore.Sailors' Society Director of Fundraising Jan Webber said: "Seafarers spend many months away from home, isolated from their families. Whilst the ships they are working on can be travelling anywhere in the world, many of the shipping companies are based in Asia, so it's important Sailors' Society also has a presence there."Sailors' Society Port Chaplain Jasper Del Rosario, based in Bataan, explained the impact the charity can have on seafarer's lives."Typhoon 'Basyang', just over a year ago, caused devastation in the Mariveles and tragically many seafarers lost their lives. The coastguard and other authorities gave us permission to visit the crews who survived the chaos. We offered help with the victims' immediate needs, distributing clothes and food as these were their most pressing requirements. Simple gestures, but they made ...

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