Tag: HIV

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Ship visits build HIV/AIDS awareness among seafarers and fishers

To mark 1 December World AIDS Day A series of ship visits by HIV/AIDS activists have been among the myriad of activities organised by ITF affiliates around the world to mark 1 December World AIDS Day.The Bali branch of Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia and the Norwegian Seafarers' Union jointly organised a day of activities involving seafarers, fishers, their families, students from the marine school and HIV positive workers. Activists visited ships and distributed ITF campaign materials and condoms among seafarers and fishers. The unionists also ran a talk show on challenging stigma, during which HIV positive workers shared their stories and participated in awareness sessions and "AIDS games". More then 100 people including 10 HIV positive workers attended the event.Ship visits also took place in Mumbai, India, and at seafarers' centres in Siracha, Thailand, and Veracruz, Mexico.In Spain, activists from the Federacion Servicios a la Ciudadania CCOO wrote articles and blogs on the union's website and other social networking platforms. They also worked collaboratively with a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual organisation to raise awareness through education and training to end discrimination and exclusion.Other activities as part of World AIDS Day included: a workshop with management to develop a workplace policy ...

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ITF investigates port HIV issues

AIDS is an issue of concern in the port sector An ITF study into how HIV/AIDS is affecting port communities has shown that more action is needed from trade unions.The study is being released as part of World AIDS Day, and can be seen at www.itfglobal.org/HIV-Aids/port-study.cfm .The project found that HIV/AIDS is an issue of concern in the port sector, and that, as with other transport sectors, there is a need for behavioural change and for the gaps in awareness and knowledge identified to be addressed. At least some of the onus for these tasks falls on trade unions, the ITF believes.ITF dockers' section secretary Frank Leys said: "Some transport sectors have been much more badly hit than others by HIV/AIDS, but none is immune, and anyone who ignores that fact risks letting down all those who are affected. That's why we began this research and why we will now dedicate ourselves to doing our best to put in place the practices that it identifies as being needed by those working in the world's ports."ITF HIV/AIDS coordinator Dr Asif Altaf commented: "The ITF should build on these findings, as well as its experience in other sectors, to help affiliates take ...

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Survey probes HIV/AIDS in ports

Survey examining the potential impact of HIV/AIDS among port communities A survey examining the potential impact of HIV/AIDS among port communities - and their attitudes to it - has illustrated the need for union action and support, according to the ITF.The survey is being released as part of a wider study of HIV/AIDS in docks and ports in time for World Aids Day, on December 1st.The survey's aims were:to gather and analyse information on the impact of HIV/AIDS in the port sector and the related trade unions;to increase understanding of the HIV/AIDS knowledge, perceptions and needs of ITF affiliates; and to prepare appropriate responses.Its findings were that HIV/AIDS is an issue of concern in the port sector, and that, as with other transport sectors, there is a need for behavioural change and for the gaps in awareness and knowledge identified to be addressed. At least some of the onus for these tasks falls on trade unions.The survey and findings have been included in the report HIV/AIDS, Ports and Port Workers. This includes a brief overview of HIV/AIDS in ports and docks, followed by a report on the views, activities and needs of ITF-affiliated unions in relation to the epidemic; and ...

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166 overseas Filipino workers positive for HIV

A 73% increase compared to 2011 A total of 166 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) were positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) for the first seven months of the year, a 73 percent increase compared to 2011.This brings the total HIV cases to 1,688, according to LPGMA party list representative Arnel Ty.He said OFWs remained high risk for HIV infection as prostitutions are legal in other countries.Of the 166 infections this year, 141 are males while 25 are females.Source: Philstar

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