Researchers develop AI tool to help ships avoid whale habitats
Researchers developed an AI tool that will help predict endangered whale habitat, guiding ships along the Atlantic coast to avoid them.
Read moreDetailsResearchers developed an AI tool that will help predict endangered whale habitat, guiding ships along the Atlantic coast to avoid them.
Read moreDetailsNOAA Fisheries has formally withdrawn its proposed rule aimed at reducing vessel strikes on North Atlantic right whales.
Read moreDetailsResearch using Earth system and eddy-permitting coupled ocean–sea-ice models shows that freshening in the subarctic Atlantic Ocean and a weakening of the AMOC contribute to increased temperature and salinity in the South Atlantic.
Read moreDetailsNew research finds that efforts to mitigate ship strikes, such as implementing vessel speed reductions and rerouting shipping lanes, are urgently needed to protect vulnerable whale populations, particularly in under-researched regions like the coasts of South America and southern Africa.
Read moreDetailsThe 46th Consultative Meeting of Contracting Parties to the London Convention and the 19th Meeting of Contracting Parties to the London Protocol (LC 46/LP 19) met at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Headquarters from 28 October - 1 November 2024.
Read moreDetailsOn 10 October 2024 the Africa-Europe Ocean Strategic Group presented its report on how to help the two continents work together on ocean issues.
Read moreDetailsIndia has officially signed the Global Ocean Treaty, also known as the Agreement on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ).
Read moreDetailsAccording to the IMO, "Our Ocean, Our Obligation, Our Opportunity" has been selected as World Maritime Day theme for 2025, to be celebrated on 25 September 2025.
Read moreDetailsAs the International Maritime Organization (IMO) informs, debris dumped in the ocean during the launch of spaceflight activities could potentially harm the environment – and conversations around the issue are taking off.
Read moreDetailsWorld Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th to highlight the pressing environmental challenges of our time.
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