2013 Safety4Sea Forum- George Kiourktsoglou
Recent Anti & Counter Piracy Developments in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea
Read moreDetailsRecent Anti & Counter Piracy Developments in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea
Read moreDetailsAnalysis and Warning Weekly Report from 3 to 9 October 2013
Read moreDetailsECSA and ETF call for ambitious Gulf of Guinea Strategy to curb growing piracy threat
Read moreDetailsONI issues Piracy Analysis and Warning Weekly (PAWW) Report: Reporting period 19 to 25 September 2013
Read moreDetailsONI issues Piracy Analysis and Warning Weekly (PAWW) Report: reporting period 12 to 18 September 2013
Read moreDetailsMeasures To Safeguard Vessels In Gulf Of Guinea
Read moreDetailsIUMI Warns Cargo Underwriters over West African Piracy
Read moreDetailsIMO issues circular highlighting the Interim Guidelines The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-second session(12 to 21 June 2013), recognized the gravity of the issue of piracy and armed robbery against ships in the Gulf of Guinea and the extreme violence exhibited, and expressed its deep concern for, and condemnation of, such activities.The Committee called upon flag States whose ships are operating in the area to reinforce the need for the full implementation of the current recommendations to Governments and guidance to shipowners and ship operators, shipmasters and crews on preventing and suppressing acts of piracy and armed robbery against shipsand other guidelines developed by the Organization and the industry.Such other guidance includes the newly developed Interim Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Masters for protection against piracy and armed robbery in the Gulf of Guinea region (the Interim Guidelines), developed by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), BIMCO, the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) and the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO) and are supported by NATO Shipping Centre. The Committee agreed to promulgate details of the Interim Guidelines and instructed the Secretariat to do so.The Committee recognized that the Interim Guidelines should be read in conjunction ...
Read moreDetailsEU to Boost Anti-Piracy Efforts in West Africa
Read moreDetailsThe latest position of ECSA on piracy off Somalia and in West Africa has now been finalised.
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