Tag: Greece

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Indian Register of Shipping now focuses on the European market

During its presence at Nor-Shipping 2019, the Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass) is seeking growth opportunities in the European market. As of now, IRClass has  won some business with ferry operators in the Greek market. IRClass has received recognition from European Union in 2016 and has offices in the UK, Greece, the Netherlands and Turkey, along with representative offices in Malta, Cyprus and Bulgaria.

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East Med’s cruise sector calls for infrastructure improvements

Representatives of the cruise industry in the East Mediterranean highlighted some of the obstacles the sector faces, such as regional volatility and small available pool of cruise-ready ports. The Greek Minister of Tourism, Thanasis Theocharopoulos, noted, during the 5th Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum in Athens that the challenges will not be surpassed if the cruise infrastructure won't improve.

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European Border and Coast Guard to carry out the first operation in non-EU country

On 21 May, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, in collaboration with Albania, will launch its first joint operation on the territory of a non-EU country. This will be the first operation of its kind, marking a new phase for border cooperation between the EU and Western Balkan partners. The negotiations on a Status Agreement on border cooperation between the European Border and Coast Guard and Albania started in December 2017.

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