Tag: EU MRV Regulation

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Introduction to the EU Regulation on MRV

  ClassNK issued a Technical Information regarding the EU regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (EU MRV). The EU regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (hereinafter called "EU MRV") has been adapted on 28 April 2015. This regulation lays down rules for developing the monitoring plan and submitting the emissions report for ships above 5,000 gross tonnage, which arrive at, within or departing from ports under the jurisdiction of an EU member state, regardless of ship’s flag. For ships that cannot comply with the monitoring and reporting requirements, the regulation includes penalty provisions such as an expulsion order. Future Schedule   You may view the Technical Information by clicking below:   Source: ClassNKIn the beginning, I was straightforward with you propecia before and after has changed my subsistence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is improbable to sit.

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EU MRV to bring ‘momentum’ for international agreement

  José Inácio Faria outlines the key features of new EU rules for the monitoring of CO2 emissions in the shipping sector. According to a new EU regulation, ship operators will be required to monitor, report and verify (MRV) CO2 emissions. Currently, the transport sector is responsible for around 25 per cent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, second only to the power sector. Maritime transport accounts for four per cent of the EU's CO2 emissions, and is the only mode of transport that is excluded from European commitments to reduce GHG emissions. According to the international maritime organisation (IMO) - the United Nations' shipping body - under a 'business as usual' scenario, emissions from shipping are expected to increase by between 50 and 250 per cent by 2050, due to demand for transport and growth projections for global trade. However, international negotiations have failed to deliver a deal to reverse this trend. The EU has moved forward cautiously and used a staged approach in its aim to curb CO2 emissions. The MRV proposal would help achieve progress at international level. The system applies to all ships calling at EU ports, regardless of their flag, and requires the reporting of information ...

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2015 GREEN4SEA Forum – Sotiris Raptis

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWCPdBhAFBI&feature=youtu.be Sotiris Raptis, Transport & Environment analysed how the new EU Regulation on MRV will impact new rules on cargo owners’ decisions during the 2015 GREEN4SEA Forum. The 2015 GREEN4SEA Forum, a PRO BONO event, successfully concluded on Wednesday 22nd of April 2015 in Eugenides Foundation Athens attracting 950 delegates from 25 countries representing a total of 450 organizations. The event organized by SQE4SEA and sponsored by Bureau Veritas, ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering, Lloyd’s Register, Schneider Electric and SKAI in the media for the event coverage. Other sponsors include: ABS, American P&I Club, Chart Industries, DNV GL Maritime, Dorian LPG, Drew Marine, Du Pont/BELCO, ECOSPRAY Technologies, Kyklades Maritime Corporation, Nakashima Propellers, NAPA, Poseidon Med, SKF Marine, SQEACADEMY, SQEMARINE, Transmar Shipping, Trojan Marinex, UK P&I Club, VAF Instruments, Wartsila and Yara Marine Technology. The event supported by Chios Marine Club, ECOMASYN, ECSA, EENMA, EΛΙΝΤ, Green Award Foundation, HEMEXPO, INTERTANKO, MARTECMA, NAMEPA, QACE, WIMA and WISTA.In the beginning, I was explicit with you propecia before and after has changed my existence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is incredible to sit.

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T&E: Ship emissions data is a stepping stone to CO2 target

  Shipping users will for the first time be granted access to transparent data that identifies the most efficient ships and practices, under a law approved by the European Parliament in full. The public disclosure of fuel efficiency data will enhance competition for the best ships and routes, which in turn will trigger market forces that will result in fuel savings. Sustainable transport group Transport & Environment (T&E) said the measure is a stepping stone to CO2 targets that will start delivering much-needed cuts to shipping’s ever-growing emissions. The Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) regulation will require ship operators to publicly report information on the environmental performance of ships. Cargo owners and ship operators have been crying out for efficiency data – some already adhere to a similar yet voluntary ‘Clean Shipping Index’ – as the more cargo a ship can carry using the same amount of fuel, the more efficient, cleaner and cheaper the service. But fuel efficiency improvements will be offset by the increase in transport demand. In its latest greenhouse gas (GHG) study the UN’s shipping body, the IMO, projects a 50 to 250% rise in shipping emissions by 2050. Sotiris Raptis, clean shipping officer at T&E, ...

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Industry shows disappointment over new EU MRV rules

  Following yesterday’s vote in the European Parliament, adopting a regional EU Regulation on the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of individual ship emissions of CO2, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), BIMCO and Intercargo have issued the following statement: ‘’Today’s vote was expected, being based on the political agreement reached between the EU institutions at the end of last year. However, the shipping industry is still disappointed by the Parliament’s confirmation of the EU decision to pre-empt the current International Maritime Organization (IMO) negotiations on a global data collection system on shipping’s CO2 emissions by adopting a unilateral, regional Regulation on the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of individual ship emissions – which will also apply to non-EU flag ships trading to Europe – in advance of IMO completing its work. Until now, with the industry’s support, the IMO negotiations have been progressing well. But there is a danger that the EU initiative will be seen by non-EU nations as an attempt to present them with a fait accompli. The EU Regulation includes controversial elements, such as the publication of commercially sensitive data on individual ships, an idea which had previously been rejected by the majority of IMO governments during ...

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New draft EU MRV rules approved

  Draft EU rules requiring ship owners using EU ports to monitor and report CO2 emissions each year received the support of the European Parliament. The new rules, already informally agreed with the Council of Ministers, will apply from 2018 on to ships over 5,000 gross tons, regardless of the country in which they are registered, as a first step towards cutting their greenhouse gas emissions. The text establishes an EU-wide system for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, in order to improve the information about ship efficiency and emissions and to encourage reducing emissions and fuel consumption. "Maritime transport does not come under any greenhouse-gas emissions reduction measures" said José Inácio Faria (ALDE, PT), who drafted the second reading recommendation approved on Tuesday. “What we are looking at today is a first step to reduce emissions. If nothing is done, shipping emissions will go up by about 50% by 2030”, he said. “This legislation is applicable to all ships using European ports, and will be an opportunity to influence negotiations within the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). We need to make sure that cooperation with our international partners is kept to, and make sure these ...

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EU – Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of CO2 Emissions

The West of England P&I Club issued an article regarding EU Regulation on the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of CO2 Emissions. European Union (EU) drafted a proposal to amend EU Regulation 525/2013 and implement requirements for the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from vessels. In 2013 the European Union (EU) drafted a proposal to amend EU Regulation 525/2013 and implement requirements for the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from vessels. This was the first of three steps proposed by the EU to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The second step in the EU plan is to set greenhouse gas targets for the maritime transport sector, with the third step being the introduction of further requirements, including market-based measures, in the medium to long term. The proposed regulations will apply to all vessels over 5,000 gross tonnes regardless of flag state making one or more visits to an EU port in a calendar year. The legislation will require the company holding the ISM Document of Compliance (DOC) to have in place an approved monitoring plan and to submit independently verified reports to the EU detailing the annual CO2 emissions for each ...

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DNV GL certification helps Hapag-Lloyd prepare for MRV

Hapag-Lloyd is preparing to become the world’s first MRV-Ready certified shipowner, working with classification society DNV GL on a verification programme that will prove their readiness with incoming EU emission monitoring regulations for their entire own-managed fleet. MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification) are the incoming European Union (EU) regulations designed to progressively integrate maritime emissions into the EU's policy for reducing domestic greenhouse gas emissions that are currently being finalised. Initiated as a joint project between Hapag-Lloyd and DNV GL, the first stage of the verification shows Hapag-Lloyd is well on the way to compliance with MRV. The scope of the verification covers the complete process of emission data monitoring and reporting. This also includes a validation of the monitoring-reporting software, which will be used on board Hapag-Lloyd’s containership fleet. “We are carrying out the examination work in line with the requirements of the DNV GL Environmental Passport-Operation – a programme aimed at providing a complete certified operational emission inventory, which addresses all of the emissions covered in MARPOL”, explains Dr Jörg Lampe, Senior Project Engineer for Risk & Safety and Systems Engineering at DNV GL. “We are very pleased to be working with Hapag-Lloyd to develop a solution that ...

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EU reaches agreement on monitoring of CO2 shipping emissions

The Council reached a political agreement on the regulation setting out new EU-wide rules for monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from ships. The new mechanism for monitoring reporting and verification of CO2 emission from ships is a building block towards the implementation of the 2030 framework. At the same time, it is a contribution to the international negotiations at the International Maritime Organization, aimed at a global monitoring, reporting and verification system. International maritime shipping is the only means of transportation not included in the EU’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Monitoring CO2 emissions from ships is the first step in a staged approach to reducing greenhouse gas e missions in this sector as well.The new regulation will improve information about CO2 emissions relating to the consumption of fuels, transport work and energy efficiency of ships. This will make it possible to analyse emission trends and assess ships’ performances. New rules will cover CO2 emissions from ships above 5000 gross tons. Warships, naval auxiliaries, fish catching or processing ships, wooden ships of a primitive build, ships not propelled by mechanical means and government ships used for non-com mercial purposes will be excluded from these measures. From 1 ...

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