ECSA and ETF call for ambitious Gulf of Guinea Strategy to curb growing piracy threat
ECSA and ETF call for ambitious Gulf of Guinea Strategy to curb growing piracy threat
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Read moreDetailsThe latest position of ECSA on piracy off Somalia and in West Africa has now been finalised.
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Read moreDetailsPiracy escalates with 60 hostages so far losing their lives As piracy escalates and with 60 hostages so far losing their lives, the former President of the European Community Shipowners' Association has called for tougher measures to tackle the growing problem including the formation of a Global Task Force.Marnix van Overklift, speaking yesterday at a European Parliament seminar on piracy, also reminded the International Community of its obligation to ensure safe navigation in international waters as stated in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).Since 2008, over 3,000 seafarers have been taken hostage and at this time, up to 400 are believed to be captive in Somalia. Mr van Overklift, while appreciating the efforts of the European Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) and other military forces, called for their security strategy to be continued and strengthened both in terms of resources made available by Member States with robust rules of engagement.He said the lack of military resources had forced ship owners to use private armed guards to protect their crews but this had introduced a multitude of practical problems such as the certification of guards and liability issues."A UN framework agreement on the use of private armed guards ...
Read moreDetailsUpdated summary of legislation on Armed Guards ICS and ECSA have issued an updated summary of legislation on Armed Guards for each flag state : ICS / ECSA
Read moreDetailsICS welcomes further information from Flag States to update The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS in association with the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA), has compiled a useful reference document collating the policy and rules of Flag States on the carriage of arms and private armed guards on board vessels.The document, providing tabulated information on Flag States rules, has been added to the ICS website and is proving to be a popular reference tool for shipowners and other interested parties within the shipping community.Kiran Khosla, ICS Director of Legal Affairs and secretary of the ICS maritime law and insurance committees, says:When the information is compiled together like this it is interesting to see the similarities and variations in approach throughout the international community. Piracy remains a major cause for concern among shipowners and the wider shipping industry and we are not surprised that members are keen to ensure they are up to speed with the latest recommendations and advice. The consensus view among ICS national shipowner associations remains that private armed guards are a clear second best to military personnel. However, in view of the current crisis, ICS has had to acknowledge that the decision to engage armed guards, whether ...
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