ECSA holds debate on green profile of shipping
On 4 December, ECSA organised a panel debate on how the EU shipping industry can deal with the new environmental challenges
Read moreDetailsOn 4 December, ECSA organised a panel debate on how the EU shipping industry can deal with the new environmental challenges
Read moreDetailsThe European Commission decided on 25 November 2013 to lift a three-year ban it had imposed on Georgian seafarers.
Read moreDetailsFlag State Laws on Armed Guards and Arms on board: New table produced by ICS and ECSA
Read moreDetailsThe use of private armed guards has increased in the recent years and has become a necessity for shipowners to ensure a safe passage through the risky waters of the Gulf of Aden.
Read moreDetailsJoint industry statement for the ESSF ECSA, CLIA Europe, Interferry and ECG have released a joint industry statement to contribute to the forthcoming debate at the European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF).One of thepurposes of the ESSF is to assess progress towards compliance with the IMOrequirementfor a maximum 0.1% sulphur content in marine fuel,due to enter intoforce as from 1 January 2015 in SECAs (Sulphur Emission Control Areas). Thisrequirement will be enforced in the European Union through the Sulphur Directive(Directive 2012/33/EU)The shipping industry urges the Commission to primarily address financialsupport for ship conversions and to consider the timely application of any additionaltransitional measures in order to ensure an appropriate enforcement of the SulphurDirective.The shipping industry welcomes the opportunity offered through the ESSF to discuss thecompelling need to address practical issues that will be encountered during theimplementation process of forthcoming environmental requirements, in particular during thetransition phase before and during the entry into force of new standards.The ESSF shouldalso provide a platform to discuss possible interim measures and take due account ofregional specificities wherever necessary.The shipping industry has been directly engaged with the EU institutions for several years ona range of issues relevant to the work of the ESSF and is committed ...
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Read moreDetailsRecently EC enforced Directive 2009/13/EC to implement the agreement The European Community Shipowners's Association (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) had reached an agreement to incorporate certain provisions of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) into community law at the end of 2007. The Agreement applies to seafarers on board shipsregistered in a Member State and/or flying flag of aMember State. The European Commision has recently enforcedDirective 2009/13/EC implementing the Agreement by ECSA and ETF on ILO MLC 2006.Monitor of Compliance1. Member States shall ensure thateffective andappropriateenforcementand monitoring mechanisms, including inspections at the intervals provided for in MLC 2006,are established in order to ensure that the living and working conditions of seafarers on ships flying their flag meet, and continue to meet, the requirements ofthe relevant parts of MLC 2006.2.With respect to ships of less than 200 gross tonnage not engaged in international voyages , Member States may, in consultation with the ship-owners' and seafarers' organisations concerned, decide to adapt, pursuant to Article II, paragraph 6 of MLC 2006, monitoring mechanisms, including inspections, to take account of the specific conditions relating to such ships.3.When fulfilling their obligations under this Article, Member States may, where appropriate, authorise public ...
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