Tag: climate change

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ICS explains shipping industry commitment to reduce CO2 emissions

Call for shipping industry to anticipate climate change impacts At a major conference today (18 June) in Liverpool, United Kingdom, hosted by the renowned Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Peter Hinchliffe, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), gave the keynote speech explaining the shipping industrys commitment to reducing its CO2 emissions.Mr Hinchliffe said that shipping is the only industry with a mandatory global regime in place, agreed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), to reduce its CO2 emissions. We are therefore already on a pathway to deliver ships by 2030 that will be 30% more efficient than those of just a couple of years ago.He added: There is a clear mood to address supply chain efficiency at every stage. In particular, the enormous financial pressure of the global recession on freight rates, coupled with virtually year-on-year fuel increases some 300% over 10 years has meant that the quest for efficiency is much more than enlightened self-interest and really a means to survive to fight another day.The current focus of ICS is helping to ensure that the existing technical and operational measures agreed by IMO are properly implemented. The desire of some governments to develop additional Market ...

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The fundamental importance of global climate change

From the UK Chamber of Shipping Annual Review 2013-14 Global climate change is not a side issue to our industry and world trade - it is of fundamental importance. The potential impact of changing weather patterns, sea levels and temperatures poses potentially enormous social, economic and political challenges for many regions across the world.Slowing down or reversing the level of carbon emissions remains the most important environmental issue the world faces, and every sector of industry must share responsibility in trying to achieve this.Environmental regulation is, of course, a necessary mechanism to help deliver effective reductions in carbon emissions and other pollutants. Nonetheless, regulators face significant challenges in pursuing an holistic policy approach that ensures the complex range of environmental measures are effective in their ultimate goal and that their overall impact - on the environment, society and industry - is fully assessed.Sustainability is a key issue for the sector. Acknowledging its importance to the global shipping industry, sustainable maritime development was the key theme at the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) World Maritime Day 2013 on 26 September. However, sustainable development covers both social and economic sustainability as well as environmental sustainability. While environmental regulatory frameworks are a necessary and ...

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