Tag: career at sea

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The digital revolution in crewing

Shipping’s digital transformation has already advanced, leaving the “cautious” behind with a disadvantage. It is important to bring value by adding the data and tech component, especially to crewing, which is a dynamic environment, argues Mrs Nadia Alegra, Business Development Manager at Seafair manning agency and crewing software provider.

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Working in shipping in the post-COVID era: What will be the same & what will change

The pandemic has radically changed our lives; now everyone wishes for life to restore to normal, but we all know that the post-COVID era will have no resemblance with the past. With the vaccinations now occurring across the globe, health officials are optimistic about the outbreak, but the pandemic won’t be over anytime soon. So what that means for shipping? What changes have been affected and what should we expect in the near and long term?

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The skills gap in the maritime sector

During the years it is observed that the nature of work in every job field, is somehow changing, due to the emerging technologies such as the artificial intelligence, digitalization, automation, cyber security etc. As a result, the skills that employers and companies value and depend on are also transforming, creating a "skills gap". To make it clear, skills gap is the difference among the techniques required for a job and the skills that an employee actually performs. Therefore, because of the skills gap issue, a potential employee may not be able to completely operate the tasks of the job. However, when it comes to the shipping industry, technological advances have also contributed to skills gap issues within the sector, as crews are required to have skills beyond their mandatory maritime qualifications. The present and future challenges faced by the maritime industry will create significant pressure on the present model of manning the maritime industry, both on ships and ashore. Namely, with smart ships dynamically enter into service, there is an increasing demand for a new generation of competent, highly skilled maritime professionals. There are strong indications that new technologies and the resulting social interactions will significantly affect the required core ...

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How to grow soft skills

When it comes to work skills, they can be separated into two types: the hard skills and the soft skills. Although they might be different from one another, both of them are necessary for every successful career. However, how can someone develop a soft skill that will help them thrive in their workplace?

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