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Pinoy seafarers are not afraid of EU ban

Filipino mariners account for 30 % of about 1.2 million seamen worldwide Filipino seafarers are not threatened by a looming employment ban by the European Union against them for not complying with certain maritime standards, the Labor chief said Tuesday.Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said the demand is "still high" for Filipino seafarers even though the Lisbon-based European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) intends to revoke the "Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping" or STCW certificates of maritime schools in the Philippines by August 2011.EMSA is an EU agency charged with reducing the risks in maritime accidents, marine pollution from ships, and loss of human lives at sea.The EU has been appealing to maritime institutions in the Philippines - one of the major suppliers of seafarers worldwide - to implement reforms in the quality of their instructors and courses.Filipino mariners account for 30 percent of about 1.2 million seamen worldwide, Philippine Overseas Employment Administration records showed.The warning from the EU came after a Philippine government forecast said the global requirement for sailors will grow 50 percent with the aging international pool in the maritime industry, Baldoz said."The good thing this is that the maritime industry from around the world has even coordinated ...

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