Tag: anti piracy measures

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IMO and shipping industry bodies urge continued application of anti-piracy measures

The International Maritime Organization, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), BIMCO, the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO), the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO), the International Parcel Tankers Association (IPTA), and the International Shipping Federation (ISF), welcome the recent decrease in the number of attempted and successful attacks against ships by Somalia-based pirates operating in the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean.This decrease may be attributed to a combination of factors, including: the presence of naval forces disrupting pirate operations; implementation of self-protection measures on board merchant ships and better situational awareness of where the threats are; coupled with more effective action ashore in Somalia by the Somali authorities and the international community.The above-mentioned Organizations remain convinced that the only long-term solution to piracy is to establish effective government and implement the rule of law ashore in Somalia. However, until that is achieved, there can be no room for complacency. Any reduction in the level of protection of merchant ships could lead to a resurgence of pirate activities. Piracy must continue to be suppressed through the visible presence of and robust action by, the world's navies, consistent with ...

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New EU initiative to combat piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

The Critical Maritime Routes in the Gulf of Guinea Programme A new project which will boost security and the safety of maritime routes across seven African countries in the Gulf of Guinea was announced today by the European Union.The Critical Maritime Routes in the Gulf of Guinea Programme (CRIMGO) will help governments across West and Central Africa to improve safety of the main shipping routes by providing training for coastguards and establishing a network to share information between countries and agencies across the region.Announcing the project today, Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, said: "Without security, development can never properly reach the people it needs to. That's why our new project, which will help to boost transport security in Western Africa, is so crucial. By making the waters safe, we are helping to boost trade and growth and provide more opportunities to make a living, which these countries so desperately need."The project will be rolled out from January 2013 in 7 African coastal states: Benin, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, Sâo Tomé and Principe and Togo.The Gulf of Guinea currently accounts for 13% of oil and 6% of gas imports to the EU. However, piracy and armed robbery, as well as drug, ...

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New Interim Anti- Piracy Guidelines for Gulf of Guinea

Issued by BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO Recognising the significantly increased security concerns in the Gulf of Guinea region, the Round Table of international shipping associations (BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO) have developed a set of Interim Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Masters for protection against piracy and armed robbery in the Gulf of Guinea region.Based upon consultations with their respective members, the Interim Guidelines have been produced as a result of the collaborative efforts of the four associations which, in addition, have been supported and endorsed by the NATO Shipping Centre.Although standalone in nature, the Interim Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the existing industry guidelines that address the Somalia-based piracy problem, Best Management Practices for Protection against Somalia Based Piracy (BMP4).The situation in the Gulf of Guinea region is continually evolving, therefore the Interim Guidelines will be updated when the situation dictates or relevant information becomes available from other sources, for example, if a security or reporting centre is established locally.Complimentary soft copies of the Interim Guidance are available for download from the Security section of theBIMCO website.For more information, click hereSource: BIMCO

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NATO Counter-Piracy Mission Making Real Progress

In the last 6 months Somali pirates have captured no ships A combination of factors including stepped up naval patrols closer to shore is leading to a drop in pirate attacks off the Somali coast, the former commander of NATO's counter-piracy mission said MondayHowever, international naval patrols off Somalia's coast will still be required to stop piracy on the high seas, said Dutch Commodore Ben Bekkering. He briefed NATO's Military Committee on Monday on mission progress during his six-month term as commander of NATO's Ocean Shield operation until earlier this month.Commodore Bekkering said that operations close to shore "to deter pirates but also to reassure the local population" have led to no new hijackings of merchant vessels over the past six months. Bekkering said that the NATO mission was able to disrupt another four attacks as well. "I think we have been able to really limit the ability of the pirates to go to sea," the Commodore said. "This has been the first clean slate for a long time."NATO currently has four ships from Italy, the United States, Turkey and Denmark participating in its counter-piracy mission. He said that NATO ships are coordinating closely with other vessels from the Combined ...

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