poject to protect Mediterranean waters against maritime accidents and pollution
The first nine-month quarter of the 36-month-long SAFEMED III project to protect Mediterraneanwaters against the riskof accidents at sea andmarine pollution is nowover.
Many events havebeen held to promote the uniform implementation of therelevant international conventions and rules among ninecountries from the Eastern and Southern Mediterraneanregion.
Various workshops and seminars have been held,covering MARPOL annexes, ISPS Code, ship source pollution,MLC 2006, Flag State implementation and CleanSeaNet.
Asthe project enters its second quarter, many more meetingswill be held adapted to the specific needs of the variousbeneficiary countries.
Source: EMSA
About the SAFEMED III Project
The overall objective of SafeMed III is to improve the protection of the Mediterranean sea marine environment against the risk of accidents at sea and marine pollution, by supporting the further ratification and implementation of international maritime safety and security conventions and improving the relevant capacities of maritime administrations in the Mediterranean partner countries. SafeMed III will focus on the approximation of the national legislation of the Beneficiary countries to the relevant EU legislation and, although being a regional project, the programme will focus also on specific needs at national level of each beneficiary country.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- To directly assist the competent maritime authorities of the Beneficiaries to align their national standards and practices with those of the European Union with the aim of promoting a harmonised approach in the field of maritime safety, security and pollution preparedness/response;
- To boost expertise and organisational capability of Beneficiaries to properly implement and enforce obligations that will arise from EU legislation;
- To provide officials from the Beneficiaries’ maritime administrations with technical knowledge of the relevant international legislation in the field of maritime safety, security and pollution at sea preparedness/response;
- To identify and address shortcomings, gaps and grey areas which may hamper the fulfilment of the international obligations in relation to maritime safety, security and pollution preparedness/response with a view to get a balanced approach between the EU countries and the Beneficiaries in the application of maritime legislation in the Mediterranean sea;
- To exchange and disseminate best practices in the area of maritime safety, security and pollution prevention/response sharing and taking into account the experience of EU Member States and Beneficiaries maritime administrations;
- To encourage:
- the development of closer cooperation between
Beneficiaries at regional level in the field of maritime safety, security and pollution preparedness/response;
- possible common initiatives in the fields above;
- To enhance communication and information sharing between Beneficiaries, EMSA and EU Member States as well as among Beneficiaries themselves concerning:
- maritime safety, security and pollution prevention
- implementation of the relevant legislation