UK MCA issues Marine Guidance Note
The UK MCA has issued Marine Guidance Note togives guidance on the measures that shipowners and employers are expected to take in order to provide for safe movement on board UK ships.
The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997 place a duty on the employer to ensure the health and safety of workers and other persons so far as is reasonably practicable. That duty extends to provision and maintenance of anenvironment for persons aboard ship that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risk to health.
Providing for safe movement on board ship is considered to be an integral part of that duty. The duty is placed on the shipowner, the employer and any other person in control of the matter, which in respect of day to day management of the ship – will include the master.
Basic requirements
The shipowner and the master should ensure that safe means of access is provided and maintained to any place on the ship to which a person may be expected to go. This includes accommodation areas, and passenger areas. See the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen (the Code) section 6.4.2.
All deck surfaces used for transit about the ship, and all passageways, walkways and stairs should be properly maintained and kept free from material or substances liable to cause a person to slip or fall.
All transit areas and working areas, including areas used for loading and unloading of cargo, should be adequately and appropriately lit. Section 6.4.5 of the Code gives further information on lighting levels.
Safety signs should be used where appropriate to give health and safety information (see MSN 1763(M+F)).
Secure guards or fencing should be fitted around any opening, open hatchway or dangerous edge into, through or over which a person may fall. This must be of adequate design and construction for the purpose. If the opening is a permanent access way, or work is in progress which cannot be carried out while the guard are in place, this requirement does not apply. However, any hazard should be clearly marked. Section 13.5 of the Code gives further guidance on guardrails.
All ships ladders should be of good construction and sound material, of adequate strength for the purpose they are to be used, free from patent defect and properly maintained.
Ladders providing access to ships holds should comply with the requirements in Annex 6.1
Movement of vehicles
Only a competent person, authorised to do so, should drive any powered ships vehicle or mobile lifting appliances in the course of their work. Risks arising from use or movement of such vehicles or appliances should be assessed and measures put in place to ensure the safety of those driving or using them, and others.
Further guidance is in section 13.7 of the Code.
Further guidance
Chapter 6, Annex B.1 and Chapter 13 of the Code give further guidance on safe movement on board ship, including watertight doors, working on deck, and precautions to take when heavy weather is expected.
Source: UK MCA