A new tonnage record of 333.7 million Panama Canal tons
The Panama Canal set a mark in its history as it reached a new tonnage record of 333.7 million Panama Canal tons (PC/UMS) during fiscal year 2012 which concluded on September 30. This achievement highlights the value of Panama and its significance as a link in the chain of global trade.
“This milestone attests to the reliable and continuous service offered by the Canal, which is supported by a workforce of 10,000 men and women. The Panama Canal works tirelessly to provide its customers with first-rate service, including new products and services in response to their evolving shipping and maritime needs,” said Panama Canal Authority Administrator/CEO Jorge Luis Quijano.
Preliminary figures showed that the Panama Canal closed fiscal year 2012 with 333.7 million Panama Canal tons (PC/UMS). This figure represents an increase of 11.6 million Panama Canal tons or 3.6% compared to the 322.1 million tons registered last year, and also surpasses the previous 2007 record of 312.9 million tons. (Under PC/UMS, a mathematical formula is applied to the vessel´s total volume or cargo carrying capacity).
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Source: Panama Canal