MSC has transitioned from traditional analog procurement methods to a digital platform by Source2Sea for managing the supply of provisions, stores, spare parts, chemicals, paints, and lubricants across its fleet.
This shift aims to streamline the ordering and delivery process, providing more transparency and efficiency in procurement. The digital platform allows for real-time tracking of orders and deliveries, ensuring that vessels receive the correct items in the right quantities and quality, reducing errors and miscommunications.
Our close collaboration with Source2Sea and key suppliers of ours has accelerated this journey that has been pivotal for MSC and is poised to be so for the marine supply industry as well. We are now rapidly expanding to other suppliers who are either already on the platform or coming on the platform in the coming period
… said Luigi Staccoli, Chief Procurement Officer, MSC.
The new system integrates data from MSC’s fleet management systems and suppliers’ ERP systems, creating a single, shared source of information that aims to eliminate ambiguity around product specifications.
Luigi Staccoli explained that errors had been almost eliminated, meaning that no time or frustration had been spent on substandard products, missed deliveries, returns, or emergency supplies. He noted that the vessels had been very satisfied, as the ordering and delivery process had become similar to ordering from a wholesaler or retailer ashore, with vessels receiving exactly what had been ordered in the right quantity and quality at the agreed price. He expressed particular satisfaction with how the transformation had allowed crews and purchasers to focus on their core tasks, removing the time-consuming process of analog provisions, stores, and consumables ordering and delivery.
Our digitalization of marine procurement and supply reduces complexity, enables reduced cost through greater efficiency and transparency, and will finally benefit all stakeholders in the supply chain, including the vessel crews.
… Mikael Weis, CEO Source2Sea highlighted.