Verifavia Shipping informs that the draft EU MRV Delegated and Implementing Acts are now open for public consultation and call interested parties for providing feedback until the last week of August. Specifically, the deadline on the Delegated Act on Verification and Accreditation is 26 August 2016 while the deadline for the other Acts is 25 August 2016. Also, feedback can be provided online on the Commision’s dedicated web page.
The consultation is divided into four categories:
- The draft Delegated Act on Verification and Accreditation, which presents the detailed rules for the assessment of the Monitoring Plan, verification of the Emissions Report, and accreditation of verifiers
- The draft Implementing Act on Emissions Templates, which includes the draft templates for the Monitoring Plan, the Emissions Report and the Document of Compliance (DoC)
- The draft Implementing Act on Cargo Carried, which presents the parameters to be used to monitor the cargo carried on-board ship types other than passenger ships, containerships and ro-ro ships
- The draft Delegated Act on Monitoring Methods, which provides an update of the methodologies to calculate fuel consumption and carbon emissions (Annex I)
The key document is the draft Monitoring Plan template which can be used by ship operators to describe their procedures and systems in place to monitor fuel consumption and other relevant information. Verifavia Shipping strongly recommends ship operators begin drafting their Monitoring Plan and have it assessed by an independent verifier, to identify any corrective action in a timely manner. As experts in the EU MRV Regulation, Verifavia Shipping is able to offer ship operators guidance on interpreting and understanding the nuances and requirements of the regulation.
The other key point to note is the cargo parameters and the cargo units to be reported for the various types of ships, which include:
- For passenger ships: the number of passengers
- For ro-ro ships, container ships, oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers, refrigerated cargo ships and combination carriers: the mass of cargo carried expressed in tonnes
- For LNG carriers and container/ro-ro cargo ship: the volume of cargo carried expressed in cubic metres
- For general cargo ships: the mass of cargo expressed in tonnes of deadweight carried, or both tonnes of deadweight carried and tonnes
- For vehicle carriers: the mass of cargo carried expressed in tonnes, or both tonnes and tonnes of deadweight carried
- For ro-pax ships: the mass of the cargo carried expressed in tonnes and the number of passengers
- For other ship types: the mass of the cargo carried expressed in tonnes or in tonnes of deadweight carried
Finally, the Acts stipulate that:
- Default emission factors to be used to determine CO2 emission are the ones set at international level in the IMO Resolution MEPC 245
- Companies using fuel monitoring methods A and C may determine actual density on the basis of the density measured by an accredited fuel test laboratory
- Time spent at sea and distance travelled shall be calculated on a ‘berth-to-berth’ basis rather than between ‘departure’ and ‘arrival’
- Actual mass of cargo may be used as an additional option to determine cargo weight for ro-ro ships
Source: Verifavia Shipping