ClassNK has issued Technical Information to inform that “Statement of Fact” for the Inventory of Hazardous Materials issued by ClassNK regarding the Ship Recycling Convention will be replaced with “Statement of Compliance”.
To assist ship owners for taking corresponding actions to the Ship Recycling Convention and the EU Regulation, ClassNK will issue “Statement of Compliance” for ships which are affixed with class notation “IHM” and therefore shall have the periodical audit for maintenance of the Inventory, instead of “Statement of Fact”.
As a consequence of the EU Regulation, EU flagged ships and Non-EU flagged ships that may call at a port or anchorage of EU Member State, on or after the day defined by regulation , shall possess and maintain an Inventory of Hazardous Materials, a list which indicates types and amounts of hazardous materials and their location.
PSC is imposed on both EU Flagged ships and Non-EU flagged ships at the port or anchorage of an EU Member State. It will be basically confirmed through PSC whether the Inventory onboard the ship is properly maintained and updated, and a valid statement of compliance issued by the Flag or the RO in accordance with the national requirements is kept onboard.
The procedure to issue “Statement of Compliance” instead of “Statement of Fact” is as follows;
1. For the ships with class notation “IHM” and Statement of Fact already issued by ClassNK At the occasion of next class periodical survey, based on the result of the periodical audit for Inventory, ClassNK Marine and Industrial Service Department (MID) will issue Statement of Compliance later.
2. For the ships without class notation “IHM” and with Statement of Fact already issued by ClassNK On request, please submit application for affix class notation IHM and Statement of Compliance to MID. After the completion of the audit for maintenance of Inventory onboard the ship, MID will issue Statement of Compliance later. And class certificate specified with class notation “IHM” will be re-issued later.
3. For the ship not classified by ClassNK with Statement of Fact already issued by ClassNK It is impossible to conduct periodical audit since the vessel is not classed by ClassNK. Statement of Compliance cannot be issued. Please continue to possess Statement of Fact the same as before.
The issuance of Statement of Compliance for the ships specified in the above 1and 2 will not be charged until 31 December 2018 (The last day of the possible EU Regulation applicable date). The periodical audit of the inventory will not be charged, as in the past, until the day when the Ship Recycling Convention enters into force, if it is carried out during the periodical class survey.
In addition , EU flagged ships are required to have the inventory complying with additional requirements of the EU Regulation and the inventory certificate in the format established in the implementing acts which will be adopted by the EU Commission in near future. After detailed information on the EU Regulation has been published by EU, we will inform you taking into consideration of corresponding action as soon as possible. This is the same when a third country establishes any additional requirements for the inventory to the Ship Recycling Convention.
Source: ClassNK
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