Mia Elg

Mia Elg

Mia has over 15 years of experience with various ship energy efficiency and machinery design related tasks. Mia Elg’s current role as R&D manager is related to leading the development of Deltamarin’s products and services. Mias areas of expertise include: Thermal engineering, product development and productization of different energy- and environmental services, energy balance calculation, energy flow simulation and environmental impact assessment. In addition to this, she has led the development of zero emission ship machinery in several projects. Mia has a Master’s degree in Thermodynamics. At the side of the work at Deltamarin Mia is also committing doctoral studies at Aalto University in the field of energy efficiency in marine applications. As a "high level task" both at Deltamarin and in the studies, Mia develops an advanced energy efficiency analysis method, suitable for maritime and offshore domain.

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Career Paths: Mia Elg, Deltamarin

Mia Elg, R&D Manager, Deltamarin, wishes the industry to make the transition to sustainable shipping more efficient. In that regard, the interesting challenge would really be to influence in the behavior of entire systems, Mrs Elg notes, highlighting that there are many ways to optimize both environmental and economical performance in shipping.

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