Luisa Puccio

Luisa Puccio

Luisa Puccio is Director for Shipping and Trade Policy at the European Community Shipowners’ Associations, which represents 20 national associations of shipowners from the EU and the EEA. Luisa joined ECSA in 2020 where she is responsible for all topics related to the competive-ness of the industry, among others transport and logistics policy, trade and market access. Pri-or to joining ECSA, Luisa has worked in Brussels-based consultancies dealing with EU policy, with a specific focus on shipping policy, sustainability and circular economy. She holds a Mas-ter’s degree in public policy and government relations from Bocconi University in Milan.

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The EU’s objectives for sustainable shipping

During the 2023 GREEN4SEA Athens Forum, Mrs. Luisa Puccio, Director of Shipping & Trade Policy at European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) gave a presentation on EU’s latest developments on shipping decarbonization under the Fit for 55 package. She also pointed out the importance of the inclusion of shipping in the EU ETS and the new Fuel EU maritime regulation.

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