Carl Durow

Carl Durow

Carl Durow is a Master Mariner with working experience of LPG, LNG, Crude Oil, Deep Water Anchor Handling operations and Offshore Marine Support. A qualified Senior Dynamic Positioning Operator finishing his sea going career on Seismic Survey vessels, Carl holds a BSc (Hons) Degree in Maritime Studies. He currently holds the position of Loss Prevention Manager at the London P&I Club.

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Limiting liquefaction

The impact of a bulk cargo liquifying whilst at sea can have catastrophic consequences as seen in a number of recent high-profile casualties, argues Carl Durow, Loss Prevention Manager, London P&I Club. The role of the P&I Club is to provide insurance against such events but also to provide advice to prevent them for occurring in the first place.

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Compendium of errors

Sometimes a single large event causes a major issue onboard, and at other times it is the accumulation of smaller errors that creates a significant problem. One such accumulation of errors resulted in a large bunker spill and a multi-million dollar claim.

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Management of Change – It’s Good to Talk

The shipping industry is in the midst of a considerable challenge in the form of Low Sulphur 2020. However it is arguable that ‘change’ is becoming the new ‘normal’; after all, the industry continues to meet the challenges imposed by the introduction of ECDIS. It seems that managing significant industry-wide changes of that nature will become more common and frequent than in the past, notes Mr. Carl Durow, Loss Prevention Manager, London P&I Club.

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A different approach for ECDIS is needed

Mr. Carl Durow, Loss Prevention Manager at the London P&I Club, says that ECDIS is a top loss prevention concern for the coming years, explaining that further action is needed for a successful integration of ECDIS into fleets. ECDIS Type specific training and IMO generic course training should not stop at sea, Mr. Durow highlights, discussing also other loss prevention challenges.

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