Vandenborn Yves

Vandenborn Yves

Yves Vandenborn is a master mariner and sailed with Exmar Nv. Belgium on chemical/product, LNG and LPG tankers. Since coming ashore in 2003, Yves has worked as a marine superintendent and as an independent marine surveyor undertaking numerous P&I condition surveys, oil major SIRE pre-vettings, TMSA audits, pre-purchase surveys, bulk carrier hatch cover ultra-sonic tests, etc. Yves joined The Standard Club in February 2010 as an in-house marine surveyor based in Singapore. In July 2013 he took over as Director of Loss Prevention for The Standard Club. As the director he is responsible for the risk assessment programme for the club’s membership worldwide. He is further responsible for the club’s loss prevention initiatives, publications and technical advice to the membership, as well as to the underwriting and claims departments. In 2021, Yves was closely involved in setting up the club’s internal working group on alternative fuels including the external advisory panel of industry experts assisting the club in preparing for the fourth propulsion revolution. Yves regularly speaks at shipping industry events across the world on behalf of The Standard Club. He uses his vast personal experience to explain serious issues in a way that is interesting and relevant to the audience. He uses anecdotes and lessons learnt from his sailing career to illustrate best practice guidelines, making him a welcome fixture at many speaking engagements. In line with his beliefs of giving back to the industry, Yves is currently closely engaged in maritime discourse topics such as seafarer wellbeing (physical, mental, and social), misdeclared container cargoes, vehicle car carrier fires and navigation related incidents. Yves is a Fellow of the Nautical Institute and became the Hon President of the Nautical Institute Singapore branch in 2020. In this capacity, Yves works closely with the local maritime industry for the improvement of seafarer standards, safety and wellbeing.

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Wellness Corner: Capt. Yves Vandenborn, NorthStandard Club

Everyone has stressful and long days, but what makes one ready to tackle on the day, is good rest, says Capt. Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention, NorthStandard Club. When it comes to the maritime industry, it is imperative that the upper management at shore understands the dynamics of the lifestyle of crew at sea and introduce initiatives that are truly beneficial for seafarers, he says.

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Navigating stormy waters: Key loss prevention tips

Capt. Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention, The Standard Club, provides tips for safe navigation now that the typhoon season is underway and notes that this can cause widespread disruption and delays in the logistical supply chain. Also, he highlights that the ship’s passage plan should incorporate considerations based on the anticipated weather conditions, and contingency measures for avoiding depressions while maintaining the commercial and economic viability of the voyage.

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