Tag: World Maritime Day

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ICS calls for sustainable environmental legislation

On IMO World Maritime Day The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), has called for all future proposals for environmental regulation that impact on ships to be subjected to a full and proper cost benefit analysis before adoption by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).ICS is using the occasion of IMO World Maritime Day to explain its views on sustainable shipping, and has produced a special brochure for maritime policy makersICS has set out how the shipping industry supports the goals for sustainable development agreed by world leaders at last year's United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development.ICS Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe explained: "International shipping directly facilitates the growth of world trade, economic development, and the improvement of global living standards - including amongst the billion or more people that do not yet have access to electricity."In June 2012, world leaders attending the United Nations 'Rio + 20' Summit onSustainable Development agreed that 'poverty eradication is the greatest globalchallenge and indispensible to sustainable development'.As a follow up to the goals agreed by the UNSummit, IMO is now committed to producingsustainable development goals for theinternational shipping industry, an objectivewhich ICS fully supports.The international shipping industry directly facilitatesthe growth of world trade, economic developmentand the ...

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IMO Selects World Maritime Theme for 2014

' IMO Conventions: Effective Implementation' The IMO Council has endorsed a proposal by IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu to adopt "IMO Conventions: Effective Implementation" as the World Maritime Day theme for 2014. Addressing the IMO Council, meeting for its 110th session in London, Mr. Sekimizu said that IMO has, over the years, built up an enviable track record for developing and adopting new international conventions. There have been 53 in all, addressing safety, environmental issues, liability and compensation, and other topics."Nevertheless," he added, "as has often been stated in the Council, adoption alone is only the first step of the treaty-making process; to be effective, adoption must be followed by entry into force and, subsequently, widespread implementation." He added that he was particularly concerned at the slow pace of ratification and implementation of several of the environmental conventions adopted by IMO.World Maritime Day is celebrated at IMO Headquarters and around the world in the last week of September. Since 2005, a formal parallel event has been held, hosted by an IMO Member State. In 2014, the World Maritime Day Parallel Event will be held in Morocco, and in 2015, in Japan.Find out more information on IMO's webiste athttp://www.imo.org

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IMO Secretary-General launches 2013 World Maritime Day theme

'Sustainable Development: IMOs contribution beyond Rio+20' IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu has launched this year's World Maritime Day theme, "Sustainable development: IMO's contribution beyond Rio+20", calling on Governments and the shipping industry to join together and provide a positive contribution towards formulating sustainable maritime development goals.Speaking at a reception to mark the launch of the theme, at the end of the first day of the 56th session of the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection (FP), Mr. Sekimizu said that, as the United Nations' international regulatory body for shipping, IMO has been, and continues to be, the focal point for, and the driving force behind, efforts to ensure that the industry becomes greener and cleaner."I am confident that, through this initiative, the theme chosen by the IMO Council for the 2013 World Maritime Day, - "Sustainable development: IMO's contribution beyond Rio+20" - will be something in which IMO, the shipping industry and all other stakeholders, who are keen to turn the concept of sustainability into a tangible reality, will be able to join together, and make a very positive contribution," he said.The development of sustainable development goals for the maritime transport sector, will be IMO's own contribution to the United Nations led work ...

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