Tag: World Maritime Day

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Rome hosted World Maritime Day Parallel Event

Palazzo Colonna in Rome - 13 and 14 October 2011 The Palazzo Colonna in Rome was the venue for the 2011 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event, on 13 and 14 October 2011, focusing on this year's World Maritime Day theme - "Piracy: orchestrating the response".On 13 October, a seminar was organized, with sessions devoted to "Anti-Piracy Measures and Best Practices" and "International Co-operation against Piracy".Among those addressing the meeting were Mr. Efthimios E. Mitropoulos, IMO Secretary-General; Mr. Koji Sekimizu, Director, Maritime Safety Division, IMO; Vice Minister Roberto Castelli, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Italy; Undersecretary Alfredo Mantica, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy; Admiral Bruno Branciforte, Chief of the Italian Navy; Vice Admiral Marco Brusco, Commandant of the Italian Coast Guard; and representatives from other organizations, including, inter alia, the United Nations World Food Program and the Apostleship of the Sea.In his closing remarks, Secretary-General Mitropoulos thanked the Government of Italy and the Italian Shipowners' Confederation for successfully hosting the 2011 edition of the World Maritime Day Parallel Event, and for organizing such an insightful and stimulating programme of events, adding that, as this seminar had confirmed, much more needs to be done if the ultimate goal of consigning piracy ...

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USCG: World Maritime Day- Orchestrating the response to piracy

Piracy estimated cost is between $7 and $12 billion Last week was World Maritime Day 2011, a day in which we recognize the maritime industry's contribution towards the world's economy. While there are many challenges and successes to take note of, there is one particular issue generating a worldwide rallying call - the threat of piracy.At an annual cost now estimated to be between $7 and $12 billion, piracy is a global issue requiring a global response. With this threat of piracy in mind, the International Maritime Organization chose this year's World Maritime Day theme to reflect how nations must work together in "orchestrating the response."We often hear of pirates attacking in the Indian Ocean, but piracy affects countless bodies of water and places around the world. Regardless of where an attack takes place, piracy is a threat to cargo, ships and most importantly the lives of those at sea. Eliminating piracy and other transnational threats requires international cooperation.To prevent attacks, the Coast Guard and the international community continue to develop methods of deterrence. Commercial U.S. ships are required to assess and plan for various safety and security threats, including piracy. This plan, known as a vessel security plan, outlines ...

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Piracy Orchestrating the response: ICS marks world maritime day

ICS says that the principal concern of the shipping industry is humanitarian To mark the occasion of IMO World Maritime Day and this year's chosen theme, the piracy crisis in the Indian Ocean, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), which represents 80% of the world merchant fleet, has produced a special brochure.The brochure is intended to reiterate the urgent need for governments to do more to protect merchant shipping from being attacked by Somali pirates, with over 3,000 seafarers having so far been held hostage for ransom, and up to 60 having lost their lives.The ICS brochure explains that the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations agency responsible for safety of life at sea, has had a pivotal role in orchestrating the response of the international community to the scourge of piracy, which is the theme of IMO World Maritime Day 2011. In co-operation with the shipping industry, IMO has been instrumental in bringing the seriousness of the crisis to the attention of the UN Security Council. However, the piracy crisis in the Indian Ocean has continued to spiral out of control.ICS expresses appreciation for the efforts of IMO Member States and military navies to protect merchant ships and ...

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World Maritime Day 2011 – Piracy: orchestrating the response

29 September 2011 marks the 34th celebration of World Maritime Day Today (29 September 2011) marks the 34th celebration of World Maritime Day. This year's theme is: "Piracy: orchestrating the response", a theme chosen by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to provide the international community and the shipping industry with an opportunity to highlight and reflect upon the efforts made to meet the challenges of modern-day piracy.In his World Maritime Day message, IMO Secretary-General Efthimios E. Mitropoulos said that the United Nations, alliances (political and defence) of States, Governments acting collectively or individually, military forces, shipping companies, ship operators and ships' crews, all had a crucial part to play in order to rid the world of the threat posed by piracy in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean."To alleviate this unacceptable situation, no effort should be spared. Shipping companies must ensure that their ships rigorously apply the IMO guidance and industry-developed Best Management Practices in their entirety, so that, when venturing into the western Indian Ocean region, they comply with all the recommended measures: no ship is invulnerable, in particular those with relatively low freeboards and slow steaming speeds. And Governments need to back up their oft-stated concern over ...

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Launch of piracy response programme

It will be launched on United Nations World Maritime Day, 29th September An industry response to the human cost of piracy will be launched on United Nations World Maritime Day, 29th September.Maritime Piracy: a Humanitarian Response is a crossindustry programme designed to help seafarers and their families, who are being left traumatised by the growing threat of modern, often violent, piracy - so far this year there have been more than 186 attacks by Somali pirates.The event, in London, will hear from a number of guests including Dr Peter Swift, programme chair and former managing director of INTERTANKO, Roy Paul of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) Seafarers' Trust, leaders of international shipping organisations and psychiatric consultant Dr Marion Gibson.Source: Shipmanagement International

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Piracy, Stewardship, Safety and Security to be Featured at the 2011 World Maritime Day

Observance and US Coast Guard Missions Conference Piracy will be the focus of this year's North American World Maritime Day Observance being held in Tampa, FL on October 27th followed by a US Coast Guard Missions conference on October 28th which will feature panel discussions on the stewardship, safety and security missions of the Coast Guard. Both events will be held at the Marriott Waterside in Tampa and are free and open to the public. North American regional representatives from industry, government and NGO's will dialog on these critically important regional issues. The events directly follow the USCG Flag Officer's conference and Innovation Expo.Source: World Maritime Day

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World Maritime Day Piracy: orchestrating the response in Port Arthur

On September 29 The IMO launched its Action Plan to promote the 2011 World Maritime Day theme "Piracy: orchestrating the response".The five objectives in promotion of this theme consist of:(1) securing the release of hostages;(2) strengthening the protection of persons, ship, and cargoes;(3) ensuring compliance with adopted measures;(4) promoting cooperation among stakeholders; and(5) building capacity in the affected States.World Maritime Day events are being held worldwide to further this theme.One of the two US observances of this initiative will be the Western Gulf Observance to be held in Port Arthur on September 29.For more information, click here.

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