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International Women’s Day – Women At Sea

IMO and other parties contribute to empower women in the maritime industry Shipping has historically been a male-dominated industry and that tradition runs long and deep. However, through its global programme on the Integration of Women in the Maritime Sector, IMO is making a concerted effort to help the industry move on from that tradition and to help women achieve a representation within it that is more in keeping with twenty-first century expectations.Last year, IMO launched film "Women at the helm", showing how the work of IMO, and others has begun to promote change for the better for women in shipping, and highlightinh first-hand experiences from some of those who have already succeeded.IMO staff member Captain Beatrice Vormawah, Head, Technical Cooperation Implementation Co-ordination Section, Maritime Safety Division, has no regrets about her earlier career at sea in a "man's world". Listen to IMO podcast for more.Accordinf to the ITF, women make up only an estimated 2% of the world's maritime workforce. Women seafarers work mainly in the cruise and ferries sector, often for Flags of Convenience (FOC) vessels. These are among the worst paid and least protected of jobs at sea. Women also tend to be younger, and fewer are ...

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