Tag: West of England Club

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Revised Recommendations For Entering Enclosed Spaces

Revised recommendations update and expand previous guidance The West of England P&I Club issues Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces aboard Ships as follows:On 30 November 2011 the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted Resolution A.1050(27) "Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces Aboard Ships". The revised recommendations replace Resolution A.864(20) published in 1997.Changes in the Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces aboard ShipsThe revised recommendations update and expand the previous guidance and include a number of changes as follows:Section 2 - DefinitionsTwo new definitions have been included in the guidelines for an "adjacent connected space" and an "Attendant". An "adjacent connected space" is defined as "a normally unventilated space which is not used for cargo but which may share the same atmospheric characteristics with the enclosed space such as, but not limited to, a cargo space accessway". An "Attendant" is defined as "a person who is suitably trained within the safety management system, maintains a watch over those entering the enclosed space, maintains communications with those inside the space and initiates the emergency procedures in the event of an incident occurring". Section 3 - Safety Management for Entry into Enclosed SpacesThis section is new and reads as follows:"The safety strategy to ...

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USA – California Sewage No Discharge Zone

New regulations to become mandatory from mid-March 2012 On 9 February 2012 the Final Rule establishing the California No Discharge Zone (NDZ) was signed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Final Rule will enter into force 30 days after being published in the Federal Register. It is expected that the new regulations will become mandatory from mid-March 2012 although an exact date has not yet been advised by the EPA.The new regulations will prohibit the discharge of treated and untreated sewage in an area along the California coast from the Oregon border to the Mexican border within California marine waters extending seawards a distance of three nautical miles from the baseline as determined by the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, and within all tidal enclosed bays and estuaries. The existing California NDZs covering ten bays and marinas remain in effect. The EPA has published a map showing the areas concerned.Foreign flag and United States flagged vessels are affected as follows:Large Passenger Vessels of 300 GT of over, which have berths or overnight accommodation for passengers.Large Oceangoing Vessels of 300 GT or over, including military, governmental, commercial and private vessels, which are equipped with ...

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Carriage of Weapons, Ammunition and Armed Guards on vessels within Egyptian waters

Updates by West of England P&I Club The West of England P&I Club has recently been advised by Egyptian Marine Insurance Consultations and Services (EMICS), Alexandria of a further change in the regulatory requirements governing the carriage of weapons, ammunition and armed guards on vessels within Egyptian waters.A free translation of the new requirements is reproduced below for guidance:The Egyptian Government forbids the presence of any weapons / armed guards on board commercial vessels as per the rules and regulations of the International Maritime Organisation.In the case of the presence of weapons on board commercial vessels calling at Egyptian ports, Masters shall lock the weapons in a safe compartment and issue a certificate regarding these weapons and deliver it to the pilot in the waiting area. The certificate shall include a confirmation from the Master that weapons will be delivered to Port Police Forces once berthed to be locked ashore after being inspected by the Port Police Forces and will be returned to the vessel before departing the port.If the above regulations are not adopted, the vessel will not be permitted to enter the port.In the case of vessels transiting the Suez Canal, the Port Police Forces will receive the ...

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Cargo unsafe for carriage

The West of England P&I Club issues Safety Alert re cargo liquefaction The West of England P&I Club issues Safety Alert regarding cargo not being safe for carriage due the possibility of liquefaction as follows:The Managers are aware of a number of cases where Members have been offered bulk cargoes of zinc concentrate from Bar, Montenegro for discharge in China.However, tests of the material have found that the cargo is not safe for carriage due the possibility of liquefaction. Zinc concentrate is a Group A product which is listed in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code under the schedule for "Mineral Concentrates".The material from Bar, which has been variously described to potential carriers as zinc oxide, zinc ore and pyrites, is the by-product of a zinc processing plant in Kosovo which has been dumped in large spoil heaps over the years. Previously the product was unwanted as it was uneconomic to process it further.However, high metal prices and improved extraction methods have led to material from the spoil heaps being purchased for shipment. The spoil heaps have never been protected from precipitation and tests in the past have shown the material to have a moisture content of up ...

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Environmental Pollution Fines in Turkey

Information provided by the West of Engalnd P&I Club The West of England P&I Club continues to encounter instances of vessels being fined in Turkish waters for pollution by substances other than oil. Section 8 of the Turkish Environmental Code 1983 states (in part) that:"It is prohibited, to introduce into, store in, transport to or remove from the receptor area any discharge or waste in such a way as to inflict damage on the environment or in a way directly or indirectly in contradiction with the standards and methods specified in the pertinent regulations, or to engage in similar activities".This provision is widely interpreted and rigorously enforced, to the extent that vessels have even been fined for pumping out clean ballast water. Ships at anchor off Istanbul are monitored particularly closely.Fines are imposed in accordance with a published tariff, which is revised annually. The amount of the fine is determined by the size of the vessel and the type of pollutant, rather than the quantity of pollutant. In almost all cases the fine must be paid in cash. The amount may be reduced by 25% if either settled immediately, prior to the vessel sailing or within a maximum of 30 ...

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EU comply with the Insurance Directive – Insurance of Shipowners for Maritime Claims

Directive 2009/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 The West of England P&I Club issues Notice to its Members regarding Directive 2009/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the Insurance of Shipowners for Maritime Claims ("Insurance Directive") as follows:Operators have previously been advised that EU Member States are required to bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the EU Insurance Directive before 1January 2012.The Insurance Directive requires shipowners of ships having a gross tonnage (gt) of 300 or greater to maintain insurance to cover maritime claims subject to limitation under the Protocol of 1996 to Amend the International Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC Protocol) and up to the relevant maximum limits laid down in it. The Directive requires that this cover is evidenced by a certificate or certificates of insurance when entering an EU port, or flying the flag of a Member State.'Insurance' is defined in the Directive itself as "insurance with or without deductibles, and comprises, for example, indemnity insurance of the type currently provided by members of the International Group of P& I Clubs, and ...

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Loss Prevention Bulletin regarding Asian Gypsy Moth

Published by the West of England P&I Club The West of England P&I Club has published a Loss PreventionBulletin regarding Asian Gypsy Moth as follows:This bulletin covers the risks associated with Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) infestation of vessels. It details: Regions where AGM is prevalent Locations aboard a vessel where AGM eggs may be laid AGM inspection and reporting requirements Instructions for sampling and dealing with AGM infestation Country specific AGM requirementsThe Asian Gypsy Moth is a highly destructive forest pest that feeds on both deciduous and coniferous trees. The ability of the female moth to travel up to 21 nautical miles, coupled with the voracious appetite of AGM larvae, can cause widespread defoliation leaving trees weakened and susceptible to disease and other pests.For more details, click hereSource: The West of England P&I Club

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Amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code

Compliance with the amendments becomes mandatory on 1 January 2013 On 20 May 2011, the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO's) Maritime Safety Committee at its eighty-ninth session adopted Resolution MSC.(318)89 regarding amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code. Contracting governments may apply the new requirements, in whole or in part, on a voluntary basis from 1 January 2012. Compliance with the amendments becomes mandatory on 1 January 2013.As a result of changes in world trade, new solid bulk cargoes with their own particular hazards are often introduced and presented for shipment. Similarly, some cargoes that were previously only shipped in very limited quantities and were not included in the IMSBC Code are now carried more extensively. At the same time, expert understanding of the properties and hazards associated with established solid bulk cargoes and the safest means of handling and carrying such cargoes is continually being advanced. Therefore to keep pace with developments the IMSBC Code will in future be updated bi-annually.Amendment 01-11, which is the first amendment to the IMSBC Code since it became mandatory, follows a review of numerous submissions to IMO by the sub-committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Bulk Cargoes and Containers (DSC). The principal ...

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Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code

Compliance with the amendments becomes mandatory on 1 January 2012 On 21 May 2010, the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO's) Maritime Safety Committee at its eighty-seventh session adopted the amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code contained in Resolution MSC.294(87). Contracting governments have been able to apply the new requirements, in whole or in part, on a voluntary basis since 1 January 2011. Compliance with the amendments becomes mandatory on 1 January 2012.Of the many changes to the IMDG Code, those of particular interest include:A number of new entries for calcium hypochlorite (UNs 3485, 3486 and 3487, Class 5.1). This commodity has led to a number of severe fires on board vessels¹.A new entry for iodine (UN 3495, Classes 8 and 6.1).A new entry for nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries (UN 3496, Class 9). Several fires and explosions have originated in packages of nickel metal hydride batteries.A new limited quantities mark.An amendment to the marine pollutant mark.A new chapter 5.5 "Special Provisions" covering the "Special provisions applicable to fumigated cargo transport units (UN 3359)".The amendments to the Code (amendments 35-10) have been incorporated into the 2010 edition of the IMDG Code.Members are reminded to ensure that their vessels comply ...

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Egypt – Carriage of Armed Guards, Weapons and Ammunition through the Suez Canal

Vessels are now permitted to transit the Suez Canal with armed guards, The West of England P&I Club provides the following information regarding Carriage of Armed Guards, Weapons and Ammunition through the Suez Canal:In August 2011 the Egyptian Ministry of Defence announced a prohibition on the carriage of armed guards, weapons and ammunition on vessels transiting the Suez Canal. However, the requirements were not enforced at the time due to discussions with other Egyptian authorities regarding the possible negative impact of such regulations on the volume of shipping using the Suez Canal.The West of England P&I Club has been advised by Egyptian Marine Insurance Consultations and Services (EMICS), Alexandria that the regulations have since been amended. Vessels are now permitted to transit the Suez Canal with armed guards, weapons and ammunition on board, provided a letter endorsed by the vessel's flag state is submitted to the Suez Canal Authority prior to transit.The letter, which need not be in any particular format, must contain the following information:The quantity and type of weapons and ammunition on board,The number of armed guards on board,Details of the armed guards' employer, andConfirmation that the weapons will not be used while the vessel is in Egyptian ...

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