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New partnership aims to develop hydrogen fuel cell ferry

(Image Credit: Red and White Fleet) Sandia National Laboratories and San Francisco's Red and White Fleet are partnering to to design, build and operate a high-speed hydrogen fuel cell passenger ferry and hydrogen refueling station. Hydrogen fuel cells have several advantages over the diesel engines that power most passenger ferries — no harmful exhaust emissions, higher energy efficiency, quiet operation and no risk of fuel spills. Replacing diesel engines and generators with hydrogen fuel cells could greatly improve air and water quality in harbor areas. The hydrogen refueling station is planned to be the largest in the world and serve fuel cell electric cars, buses and fleet vehicles in addition to the ferry and other maritime vehicles. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) is funding a feasibility study to examine the technical, regulatory and economic aspects of the project. “The Maritime Administration is committed to finding new and efficient technologies for use in the maritime industry that reduce pollution and protect our environment,” said Maritime Administrator Paul ‘Chip’ Jaenichen. “This industry continues moving forward on renewable energy and clean-fuel options, and this project encourages a shift toward lower impact maritime fuels that may further green the waterborne link in our ...

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MARAD funds air emissions projects

  Maritime Administration (MARAD) announced that up to $1.3 million in Federal funding is now available through cooperative agreements for projects supporting vessel emissions reductions and alternative energy. The funding is being made available under two separate requests for applications – one focused on exhaust gas cleaning demonstration projects on U.S. Flag vessels that remove pollutants from the stacks of marine vessels and one focused on projects that demonstrate vessel emissions reductions through the use of alternative fuels or energy sources such as LNG or fuel cells, and improvements in vessel energy efficiency through use of conservation technology and practices. The agency intends to use the results/data demonstration projects to support further work related to air emissions reduction and alternative energy research and assess the public benefit of possible incentives to encourage adoption of emissions reduction and alternative energy in the maritime sector. Source: U.S. MARADIn the beginning, I was frank with you propecia before and after has changed my subsistence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is improbable to sit.

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US offers grants for LNG Conversion Study

  The Maritime Administration Office of Environment has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for projects that focus on vessel conversion to natural gas in an effort to measure in situ change in criteria pollutant emissions and greenhouse gas emissions before and after the conversion. Over the past several years, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) has been partnering with other government agencies, industry, and academia on efforts to reduce vessel and port air emissions and greenhouse gases as well as support the use of alternative fuels and energy sources. Several MARAD efforts are underway to address emissions reductions, specifically through development of planning and modeling tools and in situ testing of alternative fuels, repowers, and emissions reduction and energy efficiency technology. MARAD recognizes the limited Federal funding opportunities specific to the maritime sector for projects in these areas and proposes to enter into an incentive cooperative agreement to help offset costs. The total amount of funding under the RFP will be $900,000. MARAD is seeking to provide cost share funding through cooperative agreements for US-flagged vessels that operate on inland, coastal waterways, or the Great Lakes. Eligible applicants include vessel owners, operators, or sponsors. Awardees will be expected to complete a ...

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US MARAD awards grant for green tug project

The  U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) has announced a $450,000 grant to AEP Rivers Operations of St. Louis, Missouri, to modify the Motor Vessel (M/V)Christopher Parsonage, into a fuel-efficient hybrid vessel that conserves fuel and reduces harmful vessel emissions.  The modification will provide the180-ft tug boat, which operates along the lower Mississippi River, with a hybrid generator set attached to the main engine that will provide auxiliary power, which would normally be produced from the diesel generator.  MARAD will use the test results from this project to support further work related to vessel air emissions, energy conservation, and efficiency.  The study is expected to be completed by 2017. Source: U.S. DOTIn the beginning, I was frank with you propecia before and after has changed my life. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is improbable to sit.

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MARAD Testing Alternative Power for Vessels

USTS Kennedy (in 2005 as USTS Enterprise) / Image credit: Wikipedia The Maritime Administration (MARAD) has announced that it is testing state-of-the-art, environmentally efficient technology onboard the Training Ship (TS) Kennedy. The National Defense Reserve Fleet vessel was provided to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy by MARAD for Cadet training.  This one-year undertaking is part of a MARAD initiative to test fuel cells as a source of power for shipboard electrical systems.  Researchers will evaluate the performance of the fuel cell technology and how low sulfur marine diesel fuel can be used to efficiently power a fuel cell to produce auxiliary power.  Unlike using low sulfur fuel in diesel engine generators to provide electrical power, the system produces no harmful air emissions. Source: US MARAD In the origin, I was straightforward with you propecia before and after has changed my subsistence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is incredible to sit.

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U.S. MARAD tests alternative power for vessels

The Maritime Administration (MARAD) is testing state-of-the-art, environmentally efficient technology onboard the Training Ship (TS) Kennedy. The National Defense Reserve Fleet vessel was provided to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy by MARAD for Cadet training.  This one-year undertaking is part of a MARAD initiative to test fuel cells as a source of power for shipboard electrical systems.  Researchers will evaluate the performance of the fuel cell technology and how low sulfur marine diesel fuel can be used to efficiently power a fuel cell to produce auxiliary power.  Unlike using low sulfur fuel in diesel engine generators to provide electrical power, the system produces no harmful air emissions. Source: U.S. MARADIn the starting, I was frank with you propecia before and after has changed my being. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is incredible to sit.

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