Tag: UN Security Council

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India advocates comprehensive strategy to counter piracy

Piracy off Somalia is a India has advocated adoption of a comprehensive counter-piracy strategy by the international community to tackle the growing problem of maritime piracy off the coast of Somalia.Addressing a UN Security Council meeting on Somalia here, India's Ambassador to the UN Hardeep Singh Puri termed piracy off the coast of Somalia a "serious problem" for the international community.With Somali pirates holding 19 ships and 331 hostages as of October last year, Puri yesterday said combating maritime piracy is an important issue intrinsically linked with the security situation in Somalia.He said given the growing scope of the problem, "the international community has to think about adopting a comprehensive counter-piracy strategy," which should involve a "UN-led anti-piracy force to conduct naval operations."This would help achieve greater coordination in anti-piracy operations by various naval forces.The global strategy should also include enactment of national laws on priority to criminalize piracy and effective sanitization of the Somali coastline along with identifying safe corridors and buffer zones."We stand ready to help in capacity building of the Transitional Federal Institutions and the states in the region for effective measures against piracy off the coast of Somalia," he added.Puri noted that India has taken several ...

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UNSC confirms condemnation of all piracy acts off Somalia

Resolution 2020 On 22 December, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted a resolution condemning all acts of piracy and armed robbery against vessels in waters off the coast of Somalia.The Security Council confirms that it continues to be 'gravely concerned' by the ongoing threat of piracy and armed robbery at sea in and around Somalia, and is also concerned by the extended range of the piracy threat into the western Indian Ocean and adjacent sea areas - and the increase in pirate capacities.The council also expressed its concern about the reported involvement of children in piracy off the coast of Somalia.Resolution 2020 (2011), which can be accessed here, also recognises the IMO's role regarding privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships in high-risk areas.Source: UNSC

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Security Council calls for regional cooperation to fight piracy in Somalia

Security Council urges all countries to adopt laws The UN has issued a news release stating that the Security Council has renewed its call for tougher anti-piracy measures in Somalia and the wider region as follows:The Security Council renewed its call for tougher anti-piracy measures in Somalia and the wider region, urging all countries to adopt laws and cooperate with international organizations to accelerate the prosecution and punishment of piracy.In a unanimously adopted resolution, the 15-member body urged countries that have not already done so to criminalize piracy under their domestic laws and to implement prosecution methods in accordance with international human rights law.Stressing the need for cooperation between countries and international organizations, the resolution urged countries to share evidence and information to enhance the prosecution of suspects, and imprisonment of convicted pirates.The Council emphasized that the failure to prosecute persons responsible for piracy undermines the broader anti-piracy efforts of the international community, making it crucial that all countries work to ensure that pirates are held accountable for their actions.The resolution also emphasized the need to establish specialized anti-piracy courts in Somalia and other countries in the region, and requested the Secretary-General, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) ...

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53 Indian sailors still under Somali pirates captivity

Two pirates With the release of the RAK Afrikana, held by Somali pirates with 11 Indian sailors among its crew, the number of Indian sailors held by Somali pirates is now 53.The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) today informed that the Indian sailors had been held during the capture of the ships including MV Iceberg - Panamian Flag, MV Suez - Panamian Flag, MT Asphalt Venture - Panamian Flag, MT Savina Caylyn - Italian Flag and MV Sinin - Panamian Flag.The MEA release said that the UN Security Council and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are working on prevention, guidance, reporting and cooperation to mitigate piracy."One Indian naval ship has been deployed in the Gulf of Aden to escort Indian shipping interests since 2008. Following recent incidents of pirate attacks closer to Indian western shores, the Indian Navy has increased its vigil and neutralized two pirate "mother ships" and captured 43 pirates," it added.The MEA release further said that the Directorate General of Shipping, Government of India has issued numerous advisories, circulars and notices on the recommended traffic corridors, protocol with Indian naval ships, precautions to be taken and areas to be avoided."It is also necessary for flag States to ...

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