Twelve human factors affecting maritime safety
The UK MCA addresses twelve (12) significant people-related factors, the 'Deadly Dozen', that result on maritime accidents, incidents and errors.
Read moreDetailsThe UK MCA addresses twelve (12) significant people-related factors, the 'Deadly Dozen', that result on maritime accidents, incidents and errors.
Read moreDetailsUK’s authorities have decided to take the bulk carrier V Due which has a smouldering cargo in one of its holds, to the Port of Liverpool, according to the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
Read moreDetailsThe Saga Sky is now in a safe anchorage at Dungeness after it suffered damage on morning November 20th, following engine and steering failure and collided with a rock barge at the Varne Bank.
Read moreDetailsA vessel which had already been detained following a Port State Control inspection by MCA surveyors in Cardiff, Wales, has been issued with a further detainable deficiency notice after it was discovered the crew had not been paid for many months, ITF reports.
Read moreDetailsThe ITF UK, has announced that the MCA has detained the Malaviya Seven at the Federation’s request.The detention, is over wages owed to the replacement crew of the vessel.
Read moreDetailsThe Ministry of Shipping has proposed a new Model Concession Agreement for the Port Sector which will replace the existing one taking into account the suggestions provided in various reports by Member Planning Commission (2010), IPA-2015 and Kelkar Committee Report (2015).
Read moreDetailsThe UK MCA has issued updated Marine Guidance Note in order to specify the changes to the regulations for health and safety signs and signals at work arising from the implementation in the United Kingdom of EU Commission Directive.
Read moreDetailsThousands of law enforcement officers across the United Kingdom will be empowered to join the fight against modern slavery at sea using new powers in the Modern Slavery Act which came into force 8 August 2016.
Read moreDetailsUK MCA has issued Marine Guidance Note in order to provide guidance for all vessels engaged in transfers of persons at anchor or underway as regards: taking the necessary precautions, use of trained persons and carriage of requisite equipment to aid a safe transfer and rapid recovery of a casualty from the water.
Read moreDetailsUK MCA has issued marine information note on Small Vessel engineer qualifications in order to set out and explain the regulatory equirements regarding the implementation of training elements applicable under Chapter III and Article IX of the STCW Convention and Code.
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