Aker Philadelphia Shipyard Delivers 12th Product Tanker
Successful conclusion of a historic shipbuilding program that began in April 2005 Aker Philadelphia Shipyard (Oslo: AKPS), a leading U.S. commercial shipyard, delivered to American Shipping Company (Oslo: AMSC) the shipyard's twelfth Veteran Class MT-46 product tanker.The 46,000 dwt vessel, named the Overseas Tampa, will leave the shipyard in the coming days under the operation of Overseas Shipping Group (OSG) to transport petroleum products.The on schedule delivery of this ship marks the successful conclusion of a historic shipbuilding program that began in April 2005. The twelve ship program was one of the largest commercial ship construction efforts since World War II and has contributed towards making the U.S. Fleet more environmentally friendly with the vessel's double hull design and cleaner engines.Aker Philadelphia Shipyard is building two additional product tankers. The first vessel is underconstruction and production activities for the second tanker are scheduled to begin this summer. Both vessels are scheduled to be completed by first quarter of 2013.Source: Aker Philadelphia
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