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Canada calls for sustainable marine transportation

 Canadian ship owners call on Federal Party Leaders to leverage Canadian Marine Transportation to grow the economyThe Federal Election is an important opportunity to boldly support the marine industry as a means to sustainable Canadian growth. During this election and post-election period, political leaders are urged to build upon Canadian domestic shipping for the Canadian economy and sustainable economic growth."The Canadian marine industry connects Canada's economic capacity with the rest of the world," says Robert Lewis-Manning, President of the Canadian Shipowners Association (CSA). "Not only does it generate $34 billion of revenue annually, but it also creates 98k jobs directly and indirectly for Canadians in the region of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence alone."The capacity and potential for using sustainable and safe marine transportation can be leveraged if federal parties consider the CSA's 2015 Federal Election Platform, which includes the following: Investing in marine infrastructure such as ports and the St. Lawrence Seaway, and addressing the urgent need to procure and/or charter ice breakers for the Canadian Coast Guard; Promoting Canadian jobs and environmental protection by leveraging a robust Canadian shipping industry that employs Canadian expert seafarers; Promoting economic growth through harmonized and streamlined regulations that promote an efficient ...

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MOL earns listing on Dow Jone Sustainability Indices

 Tokyo-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd has announced that the company has been selected again as a component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) Asia Pacific for 13 consecutive years since 2003.This month, S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM announced their selections for the DJSI after thorough assessment process.Companies chosen for the indices must meet international criteria for social responsibility in areas such as environmental protection, human rights, corporate governance, and relationships with stakeholders, and are expected to demonstrate sustainable business practices. Selected companies become targets of investments for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) / responsible investment (RI) funds.As advocated in the MOL Group Corporate Principles, MOL continually enhances its group-wide approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company strives to become an excellent, resilient company that can contribute to sustainable worldwide growth.Source: MOLIn the outbreak, I was straightforward with you propecia before and after has changed my life. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is fabulous to sit.

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Sustainable growth on the agenda of Danish Maritime Days

 Sustainable growth is one of seven themes during Danish Maritime Days 2015.Under this theme, Danish Maritime Days also features Drivers for Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea Region organised by DG MARE, with Maritime Development Center of Europe, The Danish Maritime Authority and the Baltic Development Forum. The conference will look at the potential of developing an innovative and sustainable maritime economy in the Baltic Sea Region.Arsenio Dominguez, Chairman of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee will speak about how well-balanced global environmental rules are achieved at sustainable shipping conference on 5 October.Environmental regulation is a driver for clean shipping, but also a challenge for the industry. It is within this context that knowledgeable representatives from industry, authorities and other key stakeholders will discuss sustainable ship recycling and an effective sulphur compliance and enforcement.“There is a strong drive among ship owners towards achieving sustainable shipping. Global regulation is a key element in achieving this target, but a global approach to implementation and enforcement is needed. We therefore need dialogue between all stakeholders involved, and the Danish Maritime Days event on Sustainable Shipping provides an excellent framework for such dialogue”, says Director Maria Bruun Skipper of the Danish Shipowners’ Association.Sustainable Shipping ...

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Hydrogen fuel cell unit to provide renewable power to Honolulu port

 A new chapter in clean energy is starting in Hawaii. At Young Brothers Ltd.’s Port of Honolulu facility, Sandia National Laboratories is leading the Maritime Hydrogen Fuel Cell project to test a hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered generator as an alternative to conventional diesel generators.Hydrogen fuel cells have a long track record of supplying efficient, clean power for a wide range of applications, including forklifts, emergency backup systems, and vehicles. An analysis by Sandia and DOE showed that due to fluctuating loads in maritime auxiliary power applications, a hydrogen fuel cell, which follows the load, is more energy efficient than a diesel engine. A hydrogen fuel cell only supplies power when it is needed. The Maritime Hydrogen Fuel Cell Project is a demonstration of this analysis in a commercial port setting.The project kickoff was marked with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, Young Brothers President Glenn Hong and Sandia California Vice President Marianne Walck.“Today, we take another big step in transforming our nation to a clean energy economy,” said Schatz. “The fuel cell technology being deployed today will one day mean less carbon pollution in our ports and on the high seas. The great work from all the partners involved, especially Young ...

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Arctic shipping conference begins

 IMO Secretary-General Sekimizu delivered on August 25th the opening address at the ShipArc 2015 conference on “Safe and Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic Environment” at the World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden.Mr Sekimizu said that the opening up of the Arctic to greater maritime activity provides both a unique challenge and opportunity, and that IMO measures such as the recently adopted Polar Code will help to ensure the safety of ships operating in polar areas and the protection of the polar environment.The conference is being attended by over 300 participants from the maritime community, including representatives from international organizations, industry, IMO Member States and students.​ShipArc ThemesThe Polar Code: Implementation & Compliance AssuranceBeyond the Polar CodeArctic GovernanceSustainable Arctic Business DevelopmentProtection of the Arctic Marine EnvironmentTraining, Capacity-Building, Science & ResearchSource & Image Credit: IMO In the outbreak, I was outspoken with you propecia before and after has changed my being. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is incredible to sit.

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Sustainable ship recycling is not a matter of geography

 Ratification and compliance with the Hong Kong Convention is the best way to ensure sustainable recycling of vessels according to the Danish Shipowners’ Association, both in terms of safety and environmental impact.It is a natural part of a ship’s life cycle to be taken out of service for dismantling and recycling. Right now there is an ongoing debate of whether the “beaching” recycling method used in South Asia should be banned. The reason why the debate often flares up is that 60% of the world’s vessels are dismantled on the beaches of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh  and that these area in particular have been notorious for poor safety and environment conditions. In addition the requirements for the EU white list of yards based on the EU Ship Recycling Regulation risk to become an a priori exclusion of South Asian yards.But Alang is not just Alang – writes Director Maria Bruun Skipper, Danish Shipowners’ Association, in an article from Spring 2015, following a visit to Alang, India. The point is that we all have a responsibility to ensure that the recycling is done without compromising neither the health and safety of the workers nor the environment:“A couple of the yards we visited ...

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Port of LA to develop zero emissions technologies

  The Port of Los Angeles has issued a draft white paper on zero emission technology that details the Port’s testing of zero emissions technology to date, and its proposed near-term plan for encouraging zero emission technology use in maritime goods movement, particularly as it relates to drayage trucks and yard tractors. By 2020, the Port plans to facilitate testing and development of up to 200 zero emission vehicles. “While we’ve made great strides in reducing emissions and greenhouse gas emissions over the last decade, the Port of Los Angeles continues to look for new opportunities to further cut pollutants, especially greenhouse gas,” said Chris Cannon, Chief Sustainability Officer and Director of Environmental Management at the Port. “We think zero emission technology in key operational sectors has strong potential to help us achieve these reductions.” Developed by the Port’s environmental management team the draft white paper outlines next steps regarding current and planned zero emission demonstration projects. It also includes recommendations for zero emission-related infrastructure planning, as well as strategies for pursuing local, state and federal funding for near-term zero emission equipment testing and for long-term capital investments and operations. Source & Image Credit : Port of Los AngelesIn the ...

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Port of Prince Rupert expands green program

With the maritime shipping industry making investment in sustainable practices and technologies a priority, the Port of Prince Rupert is enhancing one of its programs that rewards positive environmental performance.   Launched in 2013, the Green Wave program provides incentives for shipping companies to install emission-reduction technology or other sustainable systems on vessels.The Port Authority offers discounts on harbour dues when such vessels call at the Port of Prince Rupert. In 2014, participation grew to 140 vessels, accounting for nearly half of the Port’s 494 vessel annual calls.  “2015 has already seen even greater year-over-year participation, which is a testament to the shipping industry’s awareness and support for increased environmental performance and sustainability,” said Don Krusel, President and CEO of the Prince Rupert Port Authority. “By rewarding clean vessels, we are reducing local air emissions and connecting to a global effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.” The program uses rankings in various environmental programs including RightShip, Green Marine, the Environmental Ship Index, the Green Award, Clean Shipping Index and the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Earlier this month the Port of Prince Rupert rolled out revisions to a number of program criteria, both to increase the recognition of vessels with ...

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Safe and Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic Environment

   The World Ocean Council (WOC) is a Supporting Partner of the “ShipArc 2015” conference (Malmö, Sweden, 25-27 August 2015). ShipArc 2015 is organized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the World Maritime University (WMU) and the Arctic Council‘s working group on Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME). Koji Sekimizu, IMO Secretary-General, will open the conference. ShipArc 2015 will bring together regulatory, governance, industry, indigenous, civil society, academic, and research participants around the theme of “Safe and Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic Environment”. WOC has been invited to organize two industry panels to address: “Industry Developments, Opportunities and Challenges” and “Sustainable Arctic Business Development”. Representatives from shipping, oil and gas, fishing, mining, tourism, submarine cable, aquaculture or other sectors interested in participating on these panels are encouraged to contact the WOC by 7 July. The results of ShipArc 2015 will feed into the Arctic session of the 3rd WOC Sustainable Ocean Summit (Singapore, 9-11 November, 2015). Source: World Ocean CouncilIn the starting, I was straightforward with you propecia before and after has changed my life. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is improbable to sit.

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UN transforms business’ commitment to sustainability

  Sustainability is now firmly on the global business agenda, but there is an urgent need to turn words into action. This is a key conclusion in the independent report: “Impact – Transforming Business, Changing the World” prepared by DNV GL on behalf of the United Nations Global Compact.   The report concludes that the UN Global Compact, as the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, and the business community have had an impact on the development of sustainability over the past 15 years. Recommendations that must be implemented to accelerate progress towards a more sustainable future are also highlighted in the report. “Our assessment shows there has been a clear shift in sustainability development, but in the future the necessary transformative change will only become a reality if we are all able to speed up, scale and strengthen our efforts. It's not sufficient that business alone is mobilizing. We must therefore offer arenas for collaboration, including for policy makers, science professionals and society at large,” says Dr Henrik O. Madsen, Group President & Chief Executive Officer at DNV GL. "This report confirms that the tide is turning in corporate practices. Over the past 15 years, companies around the world have ...

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