Tag: surveys

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Mandatory Ship Reporting System for North Atlantic Right Whales

 The Coast Guard is helping to get the word out about the importance and effectiveness of speed limits and the responsible use of the safety exception as they relate to the North Atlantic Right Whale. Therefore,  some of the annual seasonal speed restrictions, in the mid-Atlantic areas, came into effect on November 1, 2015 and will remain in effect until April 30, 2016.“NOAA’s robust and practical enforcement strategy has yielded very positive results – particularly on approaches to pilot stations.” said Rear Adm. Paul Thomas, assistant commandant for prevention policy.“The safety exception is an important part of the process. We greatly value the input provided by professional mariners, who benefit from a reasonable enforcement approach that considers the challenges of ensuring safe navigation in confined waters.”Also,  the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is conducting a survey of its North Atlantic Right Whale Mandatory Ship Reporting (MSR system). The purpose of the survey is to evaluate and improve the MSR program.If you are a mariner operating or working on a vessel 300GT or greater on the east coast of the United States, or who has operated in this area in the past, NMFS is seeking your input on ...

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Report sets out women seafarers’ health and wellbeing concerns

Identifying key areas of concern for women seafarers A new report designed to identify key areas of concern for women seafarers will be the centrepiece of a meeting on the health and wellbeing of women working at sea. The new Women Seafarers' Health and Welfare Survey is a joint initiative by the International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), the International Maritime Health Association (IMHA), and the Seafarers Hospital Society (SHS). Among the findings of the survey, which was completed by 595 women seafarers, are that: Nearly half of all respondents reported joint/back pain, and stress/depression/anxiety were the two biggest health challenges they faced. The biggest issue preventing women seafarers accessing healthcare while at sea was lack of confidentiality Over half of respondents would welcome routine wellness checks ITF maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith commented: "This survey underlines how relatively little research there has been so far into women's working lives at sea. It helps fill those gaps and shows how much more has to be done for us to see the number of women at sea break out of the current and unacceptable one to two percent of the workforce. "We particularly welcome the ...

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