Tag: Steamship Mutual Club

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Syria – Expansion of Sanctions by EU and US

Risk Alert issued by the Steamship Mutual P&I Club The Steamship Mutual P&I Club issues Risk Alert regarding Syria - Expansion of Sanctions by EU and US as follows:There is a general consensus amongst many governments around the world that further economic and political pressure needs to be brought to bear on Syria's leaders in order to bring about political change and a peacefulend to the civil unrest in that country.At United Nations level, enhanced sanctions remain under debate. In the meantime, the EU and US have adopted their own measures against Syria.EU SanctionsWith effect from 3 September 2011, and pursuant to EU Regulation 878/2011 the scope of EU trade sanctions against Syria has been greatly extended.For more information, click here.Source : The Steamship Mutual P&I Club

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PIRACY – The Menace at Sea

The Steamship Mutual P&I Club announces the launch of its latest Loss Prevetion DVD Steamship Mutual, a leading P&I Club, has announced the imminent launch of its latest Loss Prevention DVD entitled "PIRACY - The Menace at Sea".The wholly unacceptable threat to merchant shipping and seafarers from the activities of Somali pirates unfortunately shows little sign of receding. Whilst the naval deterrent that exists within the Gulf of Aden has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of attacks in that area, vessels continue to be at risk of attack far offshore where naval resources are less concentrated.The Best Management Practice Guidelines (BMP) have been compiled by the industry to assist Masters and their crews to implement effective action deter piracy and to reduce the vulnerability of vessels. It is self-evident that if pirates are prevented from boarding a vessel, it cannot be hijacked. Consequently, effective BMP compliance is essential to reduce the risk of a vessel being pirated. It is therefore surprising that there continue tobe vessels transiting the high risk area that do not implement the BMP guidelines, either fully or at all.In view of the persistent threat to merchant ships and seafarers from Somali pirates, the ...

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