Tag: security measures

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Maritime security and counter-piracy policy in Somalia

Council of the European Union adopted various conclusions relating to Somalia The Council of the European Union (EU) issued a press release stating that the Council adopted various conclusions relating to Somalia.Among these was an appeal to Somali stakeholders to implement agreed tasks including development and implementation of an effective maritime security and counter-piracy policy.For more information, click here.Source: EU News

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Common Approach Needed For Indian Ocean Maritime Security

Says South Africa's Deputy Minister of International Relations, Ebrahim Ebrahim A common approach is needed among Indian Ocean Rim countries to combat challenges relating to maritime transport safety and security, says South Africa's Deputy Minister of International Relations, Ebrahim Ebrahim.Speaking at the 11th Council of Ministers meeting of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Co-operation (IOR-ARC) here Tuesday, he said Indian Ocean Rim countries should continue to provide impetus to develop such exchanges among member states to improve the situation.Ebrahim said South Africa was keen to work with India and Australia, as well as the other member states of the IOR-ARC, in their quest to take the association forward, with the view to consolidating and deepening exchanges among member states."Our government will work to ensure that South Africa continues to relate to the Indian Ocean Rim as well as traditional and new partners in a manner that best supports our future growth trajectory," he added."Our development process requires special policies and measures considering developmental challenges such as unemployment and income disparity both within South Africa and our region."Ebrahim mentioned that the South African Development community (SADC) region had already developed a Maritime Anti-Piracy Strategy which was aligned to United ...

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Enhanced Security Level 2 – For vessels operating in Benin

In Bight of Benin, Gulf of Benin and Gulf of Giunea The threat of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea has continued to grow. New cases of piracy and armed robbery aboard vessels along the West African coast are being regularly reported,Due to the continuous increase in the number and intensity of piracy, robbery and armed attacks against ships operating in coastal waters and calling the ports in Togo, Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon, ships are advised to implement increased security measures and operational precautions.It is advisable to ensure that the transit along shipping routes between Ghana and Nigeria, as well as to the south toward Cameroon and Angola, is well planned and supported by adequate security. Vigilance, crew preparation, watch rotations and other relevant security measures are all recommended when approaching ports in this region.The Administration recommends owners, operators and Master's implement the following procedures to further enhance the security and piracy deterrence in addition to the procedures required by setting the MANDATORY SECURITY LEVEL 2 for all Liberian flagged vessels when calling on ports, and operating in the coastal waters of Togo, Benin, Nigeria andCameroon.The increase to Security Level II will remain in effect until further notice.Ships arriving in ...

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Mekong River to get armed patrols

China will send five patrol vessels, adapted from merchant ships Starting next month, China and its Southeast Asian neighbors will begin sending armed patrols along the Mekong River, where 13 Chinese crew members were murdered this past month, the Ministry of Public Security said.China's contribution to the patrols will come from a special armed force established under the Yunnan Provincial Border Control Corps, Cheng Jun, the press officer from the ministry's border control bureau, said.Fang Youguo, secretary-general of the Lancang River Shipowners' Association of the autonomous prefecture Xishuangbanna, whose vessels use the Mekong River, which is called the Lancang River in China, said the force will consist of nearly 1,000 armed police officers.China will send five patrol vessels, adapted from merchant ships, along the waters of the Mekong River. Shipping on the waterway came to a standstill after the Chinese sailors were killed there on Oct 5. Commercial traffic is to resume on the river at the end of the month, Fang said.The Chinese patrol force will escort both Chinese ships and those that are under other flags, Yang Xi, the press officer from Yunnan Provincial Border Control Corps, said on Tuesday.Yang said China and its three partners in the ...

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East Sea security and safety need upping

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - for maritime security and safety in the East Sea Delegates attending an international workshop in Ha Noi have underlined the role of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in curbing and managing threats to maritime security and safety in the East Sea.They shared the same view that disputes related to the East Sea were becoming more complicated as concerned parties had yet to find a common voice in efforts to settle differences.Tensions had escalated over the East Sea, the location of important shipping routes and large fisheries resources, as countries involved in territorial disputes had increased military spending to modernise their force, speakers at the workshop noted.They said UNCLOS could be applied to clarify sovereignty claims, thus restricting the seizure and construction of buildings in disputed areas and creating a legal basis for claims over territorial waters.The Law of the Sea should be considered an effective tool to protect interests among relevant sides and the most important basis for discussions. The relevant parties needed to strictly implement the UNCLOS in internal and external affairs related to the East Sea, the delegates said.Delegates and scholars ...

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Maritime Security Issues Dominate India-Japan Defence talks

India and Japan to step up Bilateral Military Exercises Maritime security, anti-piracy measures, freedom of navigation and maintaining the security of Sea Lanes of Communication to facilitate unhindered trade by the sea routes-are some of the issues that dominated the India-Japan Defence Ministers' Meeting in Tokyo last week. The delegation level talks, led by the Defence Minister Shri AK Antony and his Japanese counterpart Mr Yasuo Ichikawa, recognized the importance of sea lanes and decided to 'actively pursue consultations and cooperation in the field of maritime security both bilaterally and in association with all other countries in the region'.The Indian delegation included the Defence Secretary Shri Shashi Kant Sharma, the Indian Ambassador to Japan, Shri Aloke Prasad, the Vice Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral RK Dhowan and GoC-in-C, Central Command, Lt Gen VK Ahluwalia.Speaking at the meeting, Shri Antony said, Maritime Security challenges are becoming increasingly complex and varied. Shri Antony said India has substantially increased its anti-piracy deployment in the East Arabian Sea since November 2010. He, however, felt that concerted efforts of the world community, under a UN mandate, are necessary to effectively address the problem.Shri Antony said anti piracy efforts need to be supplemented by adoption ...

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UK waters left unprotected by Navy warships in October

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed The UK was not protected by any warships during October, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed.The Royal Navy's cutbacks and presence in Libya meant UK waters were without the minimum coverage of a frigate or destroyer as Fleet Ready Escort (FRE).The last FRE ship, which can react to incidents such as terrorism, was Devon-based HMS Portland on 3 October.The MoD said although no warship was on FRE duty one could have been allocated within 24 hours.The FRE is a warship which is ready to react to an emergency, such as a terrorist attack, in UK waters or abroad.Frigate cutsBut the MoD said cuts to its fleet in the Strategic Defence and Strategy Review (SDSR), which reduced the number of its frigates from 24 to 19, and its commitments to the Nato mission in Libya, had left it unable to fill the role for a month.A Royal Navy spokesman said: "Due to the successful deployment of Royal Navy units to the Libya campaign, it has been necessary to reprofile the commitments of some ships."Should a FRE activation be required, a Royal Navy ship would be allocated."HMS Portland left the role of FRE on ...

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Countries agree to secure Mekong River shipping

Secure transportation along the Mekong River China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have agreed to take joint action to crack down on cross-border crime and secure transportation along the Mekong River.The pledge came out of a one-day law enforcement meeting between senior cabinet members from the four countries. The meeting took place nearly one month after two cargo ships were attacked on October 5 which resulted in the murder of 13 Chinese sailors."The participants agreed to take effective measures to step up efforts in joint investigation so as to uncover the full details of the case and bring the criminals to justice as soon as possible," said a joint statement issued after the meeting.Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu, Thai Deputy Prime Minister Kowit Wattana, Laotian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Douangchay Phichit and Myanmar's Minister of Home Affairs Ko Ko attended the meeting.The four states agreed to formally establish the "Law Enforcement Cooperation along the Mekong River Mechanism" to cope with the new security situation on the river.Under the framework, the four countries will build sub-mechanisms for intelligence exchanges, patrolling and law enforcement, as well as for tackling major problems jeopardizing public order, combating ...

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Common goal is to fight piracy

Cooperation to fight piracy and to ensure World Food Programme ships cary their cargo safely The flagship FGS BAYERN of the EU-led mission Atalanta recently visited in the port city of Mombasa in Kenya. The commander of Task Force 465, Rear Admiral Thomas E.P.Jugel, used the occasion to introduce himself to the commander of the Kenyan Navy, Major General Ngewa Mukala. In Kenya's Maritime Headquarters, the German Navy Officer, was welcomed with full military honours.In a follow up conversation, the two senior officers have agreed that in future they want to strengthen their operational cooperation in the fight against piracy in the region and to ensure World Food Programme (WFP) ships can deliver their cargo safely.Together, the two Flag Officers have agreed that their common goal is to make the sea around the Horn of Africa safer. The future task is to intensify the multinational cooperation between the navy units of EU NAVFOR and the Kenyan Navy and work closely together.Source: EU NAVFOR

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