RINA awards AiP to Blue Wasp Marine for software for wind-assisted ship
Blue Wasp Marine announced that RINA has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) for its Pelican performance prediction software for wind-assisted ships.
Read moreDetailsBlue Wasp Marine announced that RINA has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) for its Pelican performance prediction software for wind-assisted ships.
Read moreDetailsSea Forrest has secured a Type Approval Certificate from RINA for its marine lithium-ion battery system, developed in collaboration with GenPlus Pte Ltd.
Read moreDetailsThe new €17 million European GAMMA project aims to make ocean transport and trade more environmentally friendly. Companies and researchers from Europe will collaborate to develop and convert a bulk carrier to operate on climate-neutral fuels and green power, reducing its impact on the environment.
Read moreDetailsGas and Heat and RINA, have signed an agreement for the development of a cargo and fuel gas system for an ammonia fuelled bunker vessel.
Read moreDetailsPilbara Clean Fuels Pty Ltd is progressing a development concept for a new, mid-scale, low carbon footprint LNG plant to be located at Port Hedland in Western Australia, the world’s largest iron ore export port.
Read moreDetailsRINA has announced the commencement of the six-year research Hydra Project to build a 100% hydrogen-fuelled pilot-plant capable of producing up to seven tonnes of different grades of steel per hour.
Read moreDetailsRINA, Fincantieri and newcleo are combining their expertise to carry out a feasibility study for nuclear applications to the shipping industry.
Read moreDetailsRINA has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) for a green retrofit package solution designed by AURELIA, in partnership with Econowind, Wattlab and Vertom.
Read moreDetailsRINA and Eni have signed an agreement to jointly develop initiatives that can contribute to the energy transition and decarbonization of their respective operations and particularly maritime transport.
Read moreDetailsRINA announced that it has issued an Approval-in-Principle (AiP) for the design of a 21,000 (cbm) ammonia bunker tanker jointly developed by SeaTech Solutions and Fratelli Cosulich Bunkers Singapore.
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