Tag: Port of Gothenburg

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EU millions for LNG terminal at the Port of Gothenburg

EU supports LNG as a marine fuel Liquefied natural gas for shipping by 2015 at the latest. This is the aim behind collaboration between private infrastructure companies and the Port of Gothenburg and the Port of Rotterdam. The project will receive SEK 305 million in funding from the EU."EU support is a clear indication of how important shipping is for sustainable transport throughout Europe," says Magnus Kårestedt, Port of Gothenburg Chief Executive.A formal decision will be reached in a few months. There are already strong indications that the investment in LNG terminals in Rotterdam and Gothenburg will be one of the EU Commission's most prioritised Motorways of the Seas projects ever.The Dutch company Vopak and the Swedish gas infrastructure company Swedegas are investing in an LNG terminal in Gothenburg. The terminal will supply LNG to both shipping and industry.Collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam will involve constructing the necessary infrastructure at the ports and producing regulations for handling LNG. Another key area will be to increase knowledge of LNG as a marine fuel."A major benefit of this collaboration is that we can work together and send a very clear signal to the market that LNG will be available at the ...

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Giants of the sea to the Port of Gothenburg

It has been confirmed that the world's largest container ships - Triple E - will call at the Port of Gothenburg. The ships, which can carry 18,000 containers, are currently being built at a shipyard in South Korea. The first call will be in August.Test runs have been taking place at the Port of Gothenburg for some time to simulate a call by Maersk Line's new ship generation, Triple E."The test runs have proved successful and it is very exciting that what we have simulated will now become a reality. We are ready to welcome this new generation of container ship," says Magnus Kårestedt, Port of Gothenburg Chief Executive.The Port of Gothenburg is one of the few ports in Northern Europe that has fairways that are sufficiently wide and deep and cranes that are sufficiently large to receive Triple E ships. Ships which up to a year or so ago were the largest in the world - Emma Maersk and her sister ships - already call at the port. They can carry 14,000 containers*. These will now be gradually replaced by Triple E ships to service one of the routes between the Port of Gothenburg and the Far East.The new ...

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Shipping and industry ready to invest in LNG

There is considerable interest in liquefied natural gas, LNG, in shipping and Swedish industry. This is revealed in a market screening conducted by Swedegas. New, stricter environmental stipulations for maritime fuel in Swedish waters from 2015, coupled with the need in industry to switch from oil, are the main reasons for changing to liquefied natural gas, LNG.The Swedish infrastructure company Swedegas recently conducted a survey to find out how much interest there is in LNG. The results of the survey provide important documentation in the lead-up to the establishment of an LNG terminal at the Port of Gothenburg. About 20 major shipping, industrial and gas trading companies responded."The response was highly encouraging. The replies clearly show that LNG is a fuel of the future and that companies are prepared to invest in line with the introduction of LNG onto the Swedish market," says Lars Gustafsson, President of Swedegas.First open access terminal Swedegas and the Dutch company Vopak are planning a major investment in an LNG terminal at the largest port in the Nordic region. The Port of Gothenburg is supporting the project and investing in the port area. By offering open access to the terminal for any company seeking to ...

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World’ s largest container vessel undergoes trials

Port of Gothenburg prepares for Maersk Triple-E Vessel Maersk Line's huge new container vessel Triple-E is undergoing trials at Chalmers Lindholmen. According to Harbour Master Jörgen Wallroth, the vessel, which will be launched in the summer, could be calling at the Port of Gothenburg.Triple-E will be the classification for what will be the largest container vessel in the world. To ensure the vessel can put into the Port of Gothenburg safely and efficiently, it is currently undergoing tests on a ship simulator at the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers University of Technology."We must be able to guarantee that the vessel can sail into and out of the port in a safe, environmentally correct way. That's why we are conducting a risk analysis. Together with pilots and tugs, we are putting the vessel through a series of trials on a simulator," says Jörgen Wallroth, Harbour Master at the Port of Gothenburg.Together with Maersk Line, SSPA and the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers, the Port of Gothenburg has entered data for the new vessel into the simulator. This work has taken several months. Now the time has finally arrived for the testing staff to take control ...

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Maersk Line to join Port of Gothenburg Fuel Switch Program

Maersk Line was the first ocean carrier to have its fleet carbon emissions independently verified On 24 January Edith Maersk, one of the world's largest container vessels, will perform her first call to Gothenburg with low sulphur fuel. This will reduce sulphur emissions close to Gothenburg by 90 percent within the port control area. The fuel switch program will be implemented on all Maersk Line vessels calling Gothenburg in line with the "Improved fuel quality program" introduced by port of Gothenburg.With this Maersk Line also becomes the first container carrier to join Port of Gothenburg Fuel Switch Program. As a major player in the shipping industry, Maersk Line contributes significantly to total air emissions from vessels. Fuel switch programs near city centres are one of the measures that are taken to lead the way towards more sustainable transportation. Maersk Line vessels, calling port of Gothenburg on a weekly basis will switch to low sulphur marine diesel oil containing less than 0.1 percent sulphur from January 2012 before entering the fairways into Gothenburg. The vessels are sailing in direct service to Asian ports such as Malaysia and China."Sulphur is a major problem for our industry. We are concerned with the impact ...

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