M/V “FORESTER” refused access to the Paris MoU
According to the Paris MoU, "M/V "FORESTER" was detained in port Chioggia (Italy) on 15 October 2023. This is the third detention in the Paris MoU region within the last 24 months.
Read moreDetailsAccording to the Paris MoU, "M/V "FORESTER" was detained in port Chioggia (Italy) on 15 October 2023. This is the third detention in the Paris MoU region within the last 24 months.
Read moreDetailsAccording to Paris MoU, M/V "NS SPRINTER" detained in port Augusta (Italy) on 13 September 2023. This is the third detention in the Paris MoU region within the last 24 months.
Read moreDetailsAccording to Paris MoU, M/V “HAKSA” detained in port Venice (Italy) on 25 August 2023 and left the port without complying with the conditions determined by the port State authority.
Read moreDetailsThe UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has published a list of foreign flagged ships that remained under detention in UK ports during August 2023 after failing Port State Control (PSC) inspection.
Read moreDetailsAccording to Paris MoU, M/V “SKYMOON KING” detained in Kalymnos (Greece) on 2 September 2023. This is the third detention in the Paris MoU within the last 36 months.
Read moreDetailsAccording to Gard, this year’s concentrated inspection campaign by port state control starts on 1 September 2023 and focuses on fire safety, both from a technical and operational aspect.
Read moreDetailsAccording to Paris MoU, M/V "BALKAN I" vessel was detained in port Oristano (Italy) on 6 June 2023 and left the port on 17 June 2023, but failed to call at the repair yard in Tuzla (Turkey) as agreed.
Read moreDetailsParis MoU has published guidelines to provide guidance for the harmonized reporting and follow up of ISM deficiencies in the scope of a PSC inspection, for the Port State Control Officers (PSCOs).
Read moreDetailsParis MoU issued guidelines to provide guidance to Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) in performing a PSC inspection and ensure compliance with the requirements of MARPOL Annex VI, that entered into force on 19 May 2005 and revised in 2021, with an effective date of 1 November 2022.
Read moreDetailsParis MoU has published a guidance for PSC authorities to advise about actions taken in case of a detention onboard during a PSC inspection.
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