Tag: Paris MoU

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Paris, Tokyo MoU launch new joint CIC on STCW hours of rest

From 1 September to 30 November 2014 The Maritime Authorities of the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) with the purpose to establish that watchkeeping personnel are meeting the requirements regarding hours of rest as per STCW78 as amended (including the Manila amendments).This inspection campaign will be held for three months,commencing from 1September 2014 and ending on 30 November 2014.The deck and engine room watchkeepers' hours of rest will be verified in moredetail for compliance with the mentioned scope of the CIC during a regular PortState Control inspection conducted under the regional ship selection criteria withinthe Paris and Tokyo MoU regions.Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a list of 10 selected items to establishthat watchkeeping personnel are meeting the requirements regarding hours of rest,focusing attention on the Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD) and recordsof rest. List of the10 selected item for questioning during CICsIs a watch schedule posted in an easily accessible area?Is the ship manned in accordance with MSMD or an equivalent document?Are there records of daily hours of rest for each watchkeeper?Have the records in Qu 3 been endorsed by an appropriate person?Are ...

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ICS calls for harmonised PSC with respect to SECAs

Clarifying all of the details of ECA implementation with respect to PSC inspection The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is encouraging the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control to ensure that a harmonised approach to PSC inspections has been developed in advance of the 1 January 2015 deadline with respect to the implementation of the 0.1% Sulphur Emission Control Areas (ECAs), established in accordance with MARPOL Annex VI.ICS has underlined the shipping industry's commitment to full compliance with the IMO sulphur ECA requirements from January 2015. However, ICS is concerned that information collected by its member national ship owners' associations suggests that many governments are not yet prepared to implement the requirements in a uniform manner, in order to ensure the prevention of a potentially serious market distortion.ICS Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe explained: "The shipping industry is investing billions of dollars in order to ensure compliance with this major regulatory change, and the huge costs involved could have a profound impact on the future structure of the entire shipping industry. We therefore think it is vital that governments get the details of any PSC intervention right as we enter a new world in which fuel costs for many ...

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Paris MoU issues 2013 Annual Report on PSC

'Consolidating Progress' Considered to be the worldwide index for flag performance, the Paris MoU "White,Grey and Black Lists" indicate further improvements towards quality shipping.Last year Thailand and the United States of America were congratulated for theirefforts to move up to the White List. This year Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia andSwitzerland moved from the "Grey List" to the "White List". A very successfulachievement and an example for other flags that, through determined actions andpolitical courage, changes can be made. Georgia, Lebanon, Saint Kitts and Nevis,Libya and Albania moved from the "Black List" to the "Grey List".There are now 46 flags on the "White List", 1 more compared with last year. Franceis leading the list, followed by Norway and Sweden. Several flags have made asignificant move upwards on the "White List" in the top 10: Norway, Italy, theUnited Kingdom and Finland. Other flags have made a significant movedownwards in the "White List" and are no longer in the top 10: Bahamas andGreece.Recognized Organizations are delegated by flag States and carry out most of thestatutory surveys on behalf of flags. For this very reason it is important to monitortheir performance. The best performing RO over the period 2011-2013 is LloydsRegister, followed by American Bureau ...

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Paris MoU confirms Liberia as best-performing major ship registry

2.03 % detention rate based on 82 detentions arising from 4,046 inspections Liberia has been confirmed as the best-performing major ship registry worldwide over the last three years in the latest statistics from the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control.The Paris MoU statistics confirm that Liberia had the best detention rate during the last three years of those registries with more than 100,000 gt of shipping under their flag. Liberia's detention rate was 2.03 per cent, based on 82 detentions arising from 4,046 inspections. This positions it well ahead of the Marshall Islands, which had a detention rate of 2.50 per cent based on 63 detentions of 2,521 vessels inspected. Panama was in third place, with a detention rate of 4.89 per cent, resulting from 305 detentions out of 6,238 inspections.Liberia also recently received its QUALSHIP (Quality Shipping for the 21st Century) certification for 2014 from the United States Coast Guard. Only a small percentage of foreign-flag ships calling at US ports are admitted to the QUALSHIP programme, based on the excellence of their port state control record. Designated ships are recognised and rewarded by the USCG for their commitment to safety and quality. The USCG has ...

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HAVEP shows the importance of regular realistic fire and abandon ship drills

Preliminary results from HAVEP on passenger ships carried out during 2013 in the Paris MoU region Preliminary results from the Harmonized Verification Programme (HAVEP) on passenger ships, carried out between 1 January 2013 and 31December 2013 in the Paris MoU region shows that:Two passenger ships were detained over the 12 month period as a direct result of the HAVEP for deficiencies related to operation control and emergency preparedness. Whilst the results of the HAVEP indicate reasonable overall compliance with SOLAS requirements for passenger ships, both from an operational point of view and hardware, it should be noted that in19 out of 232 inspections (8.19%) a deficiency was recorded against a fire drill andin 20 inspections (8.62%) a deficiency was recorded against an abandon ship drill.The objective of the HAVEP was to obtain a view of emergency preparedness on passenger ships following the Costa Concordia incident in January 2012."The two main areas of concern on a passenger ship are fire and flooding and if the situation escalates out of control the ship must be able to be safely abandoned. The results of the HAVEP indicate that masters and operators must pay attention to carrying out regular realistic fire and abandon ship ...

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Paris MoU reveals Preliminary Results CIC on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery

Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery a matter of concern on older ships Weel maintained engine room / Image Credit: Paris MoUPreliminary results from the Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery, carried out between 1 September 2013 and 30 November 2013 in the Paris MoU region show that:68 ships (41% of all detentions) were detained over the 3 month period as a direct result of the CIC for deficiencies related to propulsion and auxiliary machinery. Problem areas included the propulsion of the main engine, cleanliness of the engine room and emergency source of power/emergency generator.In previous years deficiencies related to propulsion and machinery installations accounted on average for 7% of the total number of deficiencies within the Tokyo and Paris MoU´s, ranking number six in comparison with all the deficiencies by categories statistics.Reason enough for the Paris MoU to concentrate attention to this area during a CIC.More than half (54%) of all CIC-topic related detentions involved ships of 20 years or more. This category had a CIC-topic related detention rate of 3.6%, which compares unfavourable to the overall 1.8% CIC-topic related detention rate."This outcome illustrates that wear and tear of propulsion and auxiliary machinery remains an issue, which should ...

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