Tag: OSV

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Maersk subsidiary orders diesel electric OSV

  Zamakona Yards has signed a contract with the owner ESVAGT A.S, a company belonging to the multinational Danish AP Møller-Mærsk. The vessel will be delivered in the 2nd quarter of 2017 and will have the design and engineering of Havyard Design & Solutions A.S in cooperation with the ship-owner himself and our shipyard. It aims to make the change of crews in emergency assistance to offshore oil platforms, support for the maintenance operations of wind offshore facilities, etc. With 88,40 meters length by 15 meters beam, it will have diesel electric propulsion of last generation that ensures a reduction in fuel consumption around 13% compared to conventional propulsion systems. In addition, for the first time on a vessel of this type, a device consisting saving fuel will be installed in an appendix located at the stern that will be called Hull Vane® to reduce other consumption by 5%. It will have the capacity to accommodate the transfer of up to 76 people housed in individual cabins and have a system of telescopic davits for launching boats working on both sides of the ship. “The current market situation allows us to recognize the friend ship-ownerand collaborator, “says the head of ...

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ABS Issues LNG Bunkering Advisory

  ABS has published a new Advisory about LNG Bunkering in response to the industry's growing interest in gas propulsion. Owners, operators, designers and shipyards around the world are considering the advantages that operating on natural gas may provide. However, when considering any new or evolving technology, it is important to have a clear understanding of not only the benefi ts, but the challenges that may be involved. This Advisory has been developed in order to respond to the need for better understanding by members of the maritime industry of the issues involved with bunkering vessels with natural gas. It is intended to provide guidance on the technical and operational challenges of LNG bunkering operations both from the bunker vessel’s perspective (or land-side source) and from the receiving vessel’s perspective. Some of the key areas that are addressed in this Advisory are critical design issues, methods of analysis, and current thinking on possible solutions to the requirements of regulations and safe practice, as well as important areas of operational process, training and safeguards.  The LNG Bunkering: Technical and Operational Advisory explores the benefits, challenges, and solutions associated with fuelling vessels equipped with LNG power systems. "Ship owners, operators, designers and ...

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Carriage of oil as cargo by Offshore Supply Vessels

  The Indian Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) issued a circular providing clarification on the carriage of fuel oil as cargo by offshore supply vessels (OSVs). The Directorate had issued Engineering Circular No.4 of 2013 on the applicability of Regulation 2.2, Annex I of MARPOL Convention to Offshore Supply Vessels (OSVs) engaged in carriage of fuel oil as cargo. The circular was an attempt at streamlining the procedures and aimed at avoiding misinterpretation by the stake holders. However, since issuance of the aforesaid circular, the Directorate has received requests from the Ship-owners, Recognised Organisations (ROs), seeking further clarification on the applicability of Regulation 26.4, Annex I of MARPOL Convention and also for providing clarification on the use of fuel oil from the cargo tank for the OSVs own use as ships bunker. A. As per Regulation 26.4 of Annex I of MARPOL Convention, length of a cargo tank should not exceed 10 m or the values derived as per Regulation 26.4.1, 26.4.2 and 26.4.3, whichever is the greater. It has been brought to the Directorate’s notice, that many of the existing Offshore Supply/Support Vessels have cargo oil tanks for carriage of fuel oil, whose length exceed the length permitted in the ...

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