80% of global tonnage is scrapped under substandard conditions
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform revealed that 80% of the global tonnage scrapped last year was broken under substandard conditions.
Read moreDetailsThe NGO Shipbreaking Platform revealed that 80% of the global tonnage scrapped last year was broken under substandard conditions.
Read moreDetailsIn its latest quarterly report, NGO Shipbreaking Platform informs about the shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, providing an overview of the hazardous materials released during shipbreaking and their impact on human life, communities and the environment.
Read moreDetailsAltera Infrastructure avoided trial by accepting the NOK 8 million (around $720,048) fine for illegal shipbreaking.
Read moreDetailsIn its latest quarterly publication, the NGO Shipbreaking Platform informs about the shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. In total, 96 ships were dismantled worldwide from July until September 2024.
Read moreDetailsNGO Shipbreaking Platform underlines that the explosion on the oil tanker MT Suvarna Swarajya in Bangladesh on September 7, 2024, has drawn attention to severe safety and labor issues in the shipbreaking industry.
Read moreDetailsNGO Shipbreaking Platform has released the second South Asia Quarterly report about the shipbreaking industry, presenting the most significant developments.
Read moreDetailsIn this quarterly publication, the NGO Shipbreaking Platform informs about the shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. In total, 127 ships were dismantled worldwide from January until March 2024.
Read moreDetailsAccording to new data released by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform, 446 ocean-going commercial ships and offshore units were scrapped in 2023.
Read moreDetailsIn this quarterly publication, the NGO Shipbreaking Platform informs about the shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Providing an overview of accidents that took place on the beaches of South Asia and recent on-the-ground developments NGO aims to inform the public about the negative impacts of substandard shipbreaking practices.
Read moreDetailsOn January 16 2024, two workers lost their lives crushed by a heavy iron plate during the dismantling of a bulk carrier at Dewan Shipbreaking in Gadani, Pakistan.
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