Tag: MPA Singapore

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Mandatory Enhanced Bunkering Course for Cargo Officers

Bunkering course for cargo officers Singapore MPA issues circular re Mandatory Enhanced Bunkering Course for Cargo Officers as follows:As the world's leading bunkering port, it is important for Singapore to provide quality bunkering services to vessels calling at the port for lifting bunkers. Cargo officers who represent bunker suppliers in bunker transfers are required to be familiar with the requirements and procedures of the Singapore Standard on Bunkering or SS 600. They are required to attend an approved basic course on the SS 600 before working independently onboard bunker tankers.For more information, click here.Source: Singapore MPA

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Singapore MPA issues circular re specifications for marine fuel

ISO 8217:2010 - Standard Code of Practice for Bunkering (SS600) The Singapore Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) issued a circular stating that, with effect from 1 July, it will adopt application of the fourth edition of the ISO specifications for marine fuel (ISO 8217:2010) for fuels supplied within the Port of Singapore through the Singapore Standard Code of Practice for Bunkering (SS600) as follows:The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8217 specifies the standards and requirements for marine fuels supplied to ships, and takes into the account the international requirements such as the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions in respect of the allowable limits or contents in flash point and sulphur, respectively.With effect from 1 July 2012, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) will adopt the application of the 4th edition of 8217 (ISO 8217:2010) for marine fuels supplied within the Port of Singapore through the Singapore Standard Code of Practice for Bunkering or SS600. The ISO 8217:2010 includes two new fuel characteristics, namely Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) in liquid phase and Oxidation Stability (OS). These two fuel characteristics require special sampling methods that will be tested at cargo source e.g. at the oil terminals.The values of H2S and OS shall ...

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MPA Instruction to prevent PSC detention for Singapore Ships

ClassNK - TEC 0897 ClassNK issues Technical Information TEC - 0897 regarding MPA Instruction to prevent PSC detention for Singapore Ships as follows:Please note that, on 15 February 2012, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) issued Preventive action against PSC ship detention at a foreign port and especially at Australian ports as per the message from MPA with Ref. No.FSC5.02. Please see the attachment for details.MPA's main requirements are as follows:1. For all the Singaporean ships under your management, execution of Thorough Inspection (including ISM matters) by Company's shore personnel or Ship's senior officers and rectification of deficiency/ non conformity.In case where any serious deficiency/ non-conformity which can not be rectified immediately is found, reporting to MPA, ClassNK and PSC at calling port,2. Prior to the entry into Australian port, submission of Master's Declaration to MPA, on completion of thorough inspection and no serious deficiency/ non conformity which is not rectified or reported.For more information, click here.Source: ClassNK

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Singapore to host the ReCAAP ISC for another five years

Commitment to combat piracy and armed robbery Singapore MPA reaffirms its commitment to international co-operation to combat piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia, as Mr Lam Yi Young, Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Mr Yoshihisa Endo, Executive Director of the Regional Co-operation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) Information Sharing Centre (ISC) signed a Headquarters Agreement by which Singapore renewed its commitment to host the ReCAAP ISC for another five years.The signing of the new Headquarters Agreement took place on the sidelines of the 6th ReCAAP ISC Governing Council Meeting this morning. It was witnessed by Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, and VADM Edmund Tan, Chairperson of the ReCAAP ISC Governing Council, Philippines Governor to ReCAAP ISC. VADM Edmund Tan is also the Commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard."As a global hub port and a major flag state, Singapore is committed to combating piracy and armed robbery at sea. This new Headquarters Agreement will enable the ReCAAP ISC to strengthen its partnership with government and industry towards safe and secure shipping in Asia," said Minister Lui.Launched here ...

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Certificates, Documents And Publications Required To Be Carried On Board Singapore Flag Ships

Singapore MPA issues Circular 6/2012 Singapore MPA issues circular regarding Certificates, Documents And Publications Required To Be Carried On Board Singapore Flag Ships (List2012) as follows:In 2009, MPA issued Shipping Circular No. 18 of 2009 (List ofcertificates, documents and publications required to be carried on Singapore ships (2009)), based on a circular issued by the IMO. The Facilitation (FAL) Committee of IMO has now further updated the IMO circular, incorporating a number of new certificates and documents that have been introduced as a result of amendments to mandatory instruments or new conventions since the last update.The Annex to this circular is an updated list of the certificates, documentsand publications required to be carried on board Singapore-registered ships,together with extracts of the regulatory text from the source instruments.Applicability and application dates may vary according to the type, size and date built of vessels and shipowners, managers, operators and Masters should consult the source conventions and codes mentioned for details.For more information, click here.Source: Singapore MPA

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Singapore MPA issues circular re updates on guidance to deter piracy

Recent updates to IMO circulars MPA Singapore issues circular regarding updates on guidance to deter piracy in the high-risk area off the coast of Somalia.Registering with and reporting to the MSCHOA and UKMTO are part ofkey fundamentals of the BMP. Singapore-registered ships should report to theMSCHOA prior to entering the High Risk Area (HRA) (an area bounded by theSuez and the Strait of Hormuz to the North, 10oS and 78oE). Ships entering theUKMTO Reporting Area (an area bounded by Suez to the North, 10oS and 78oE) should send an initial report and to report daily to the UKMTO, even if the ship was not transiting the HRA or stationed for prolonged periods in ports or in the offshore waters of ports in the vicinity of the HRA.Shipowners, managers and operators of Singapore-registered vessels areadvised to instruct their shipmasters and crew to remain vigilant when passing through the High Risk Area and to monitor situational updates as per provided in the Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) websiteFor more information, click here.Source: Singapore MPA

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Inauguration of new MPA patrol craft

MPA unveiled its brand new fleet of six patrol craft The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) unveiled its brand new fleet of six patrol craft today to further enhance safety in Singapore's port waters.As one of the world's busiest ports, Singapore welcomes some 130,000 port calls annually. Helping to keep our port waters safe and pollution free is MPA's team of Port Inspectors who patrol our busy waterways round the clock to enforce MPA's regulations on navigational safety and marine environment protection, and respond to any marine incidents. The Port Inspectors are supported by a fleet of MPA patrol craft and the launch of the new fleet of six patrol craft with enhanced features and functionalities will help the Port Inspectors carry out their duties more efficiently and effectively.In line with MPA's commitment to cleaner shipping and the protection of the marine environment, the new patrol craft are fitted with low-emission engines and a streamlined hull design that is coated with environmentally friendly marine paints. The new patrol craft are also capable of reaching a top speed of 20 knots with reduced energy consumption. A user-friendly navigation system that integrates electronic sea charts, radar information, Differential Global Positioning ...

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Prevention of Pollution of the Sea

MPA Singapore issues Circular 2/2012 The MPA Singapore issues Circular 2/2012 regarding the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea as follows:This circular informs the Shipping Community that the Prevention ofPollution of the Sea (Air) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 will enter into force on February 2012.The Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Air) (Amendment) Regulationsgives effect to Resolution MEPC.194(61). This Resolution deals with theamendment to Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 by revising the Supplement to theIAPP Certificate, to clearly document the ship's compliance with the fuel sulphurrequirements or alternative equivalent arrangement according to the timeframe under Regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI. Shipping Circular No. 20 of 2011 provides further information on this Resolution.The Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Air) (Amendment) Regulations(See Attachment) were published in the Government Gazette on 18January 2012.For more information, click here.Source: MPA Singapore

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More companies pledge commitment to clean shipping

15 organisations came together to sign the Green Pledge The Maritime Singapore Green Pledge continues to receive positive response from the maritime industry as 15 organisations came together to sign the Green Pledge during the second Green Pledge signing ceremony on Jan 12.This follows the inaugural Green Pledge signing ceremony which took place in April 2011. A total of 27 organisations have since signed the Green Pledge.The 15 new signatories, which include classification societies and shipping lines such as China Classification Society and American Bureau of Shipping, pledged to be responsible members of the international maritime community by supporting and promoting clean and green shipping in Singapore.Also at the ceremony, six Singapore-registered ships which have met the conditions of Marinetime Port and Authority of Singapore's (MPA) Green Ship Programme were presented with Green Ship certificates.Started in July 2011 as part of the Maritime Singapore Green Initiative, the Green Ship Programme is targeted at Singapore-flagged ships that adopt energy efficient ship designs that reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.Singapore-flagged ships which go beyond the requirements of International Maritime Organisation's Energy Efficiency Design Index will enjoy a 50 per cent reduction of Initial Registration Fees (IRF) and a 20 per cent ...

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