Tag: Modern Express

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Salvage of the Modern Express

This video demonstrates the spectacular salvage operation of the Modern Express by SMIT Salvage. On 26 January 2016, a 164-meter-long Roll-on/Roll-off vessel lost stability in heavy weather and was drifting fast towards the French coast in the Bay of Biscay. A team of dedicated salvage experts of SMIT Salvage was on the scene within 24 hours and was able to prevent an environmental disaster from taking place.

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Greenpeace asks for investigation of the Modern Express’ cargo

The troubled car carrier Modern Express that was recently successfully towed away from the French coast, has safely entered the port of Bilbao, Spain. It was on its way to Le Havre, France. The ship is carrying a controversial cargo of timber apparently destined for the French market. The controversy surrounds its origin and legality. Gabonese authorities are reported to have investigated the case and have called upon Interpol to open an international investigation.

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