Tag: maritime piracy

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Coalition efforts keep piracy down but trade routes still at risk

The Director of Combined Maritime Forces in the Gulf region says coalition efforts have led to a fall in piracy attacks against merchant shipping and local fishing dhows but the risk to trade remains high.The International Maritime Bureau's Piracy Reporting Centre reported just one attempted attack by Somali pirates from July 2012 to September 2012, compared with 36 incidents in the same three month period last year.Speaking from CMF's Headquarters in Bahrain, RAN Captain Bruce Legge said that whilst the figures are encouraging, it does not signal an end to piracy nor a dramatic improvement to maritime security in the region."Our area of responsibility here stretches across a challenging 2.5 million square kilometers - an area about the size of mainland Australia," CAPT Legge said. "The decrease in piracy is due in a large part to the ongoing coordinated efforts of the CMF counter-piracy Taskforce 151, with the Task Forces from the EUNAVFOR and NATO. The RAN always has a frigate in the region conducting maritime security patrols - right now that frigate is HMAS Anzac. However, local factors also played a part in the IMB reported statistics, including an increased awareness of piracy by the merchant ships and fishing ...

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