Tag: LNG

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Agreement for developing LNG as a marine fuel worldwide

GDF SUEZ, Mitsubishi and NYK signed a framework agreement aiming to develop the LNG Bunkering market worldwide through LNG Bunkering Vessels. This partnership results in two first contracts: on behalf of the venture, the NYK's order of an LNG bunkering vessel and an LNG bunkering contract between GDF SUEZ and United European Car Carriers (UECC), a leading short-sea operator. The partners will provide their know-how and experience to develop this first project in the Northern Europe Emissions Controlled Area (ECA) from Zeebrugge, in Belgium. Jean-Marie Dauger, Executive Vice-President of GDF SUEZ in charge of the Global Gas & LNG business line declared: "GDF SUEZ regards LNG as the future of bunkering. These new agreements emphasize the Group's Retail LNG strategy and demonstrates our commitment to the development of LNG bunkering business on a global scale, alongside with harbor infrastructures and ship operators." The LNG bunkering vessel will be built in the Korean shipyard Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction with a delivery expected by 2016. Its home port will be Zeebrugge where GDF SUEZ has already secured long term access rights in the Fluxys LNG terminal. The bunkering vessel will be operated by NYK and will supply a range of end-customers. The first customer will be UECC which purchased LNG to GDF ...

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DSME and ABS to develop first LNG fueled drillship

ABS has entered into a joint development project (JDP) with South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) to develop the industry's first LNG fueled drillship. The JDP will address challenges associated with storing and managing cryogenic LNG safely by combining DSME's experience developing and applying LNG technology to floating structures with ABS' technical standards and experience working on a number of gas-fueled, LNG and regasification unit projects. "This project builds on years of collaboration between ABS and DSME to evaluate innovative design concepts and new approaches that serve the needs of our clients and feature enhanced safety and efficiency standards," says Dr. Hoseong Lee, ABS Vice President, Global Korea Business Development and ABS Korea Energy Technology Center in Busan. "We are targeting the Gulf of Mexico as a key market for an LNG fueled drillship where, given the abundance of affordable shale gas resources in the US, LNG as a marine fuel makes good economic sense." "DSME and ABS are recognized worldwide as leaders in technology research, shipbuilding, marine engineering and production of commercial vessels used in offshore operations," says DSME CTO and Executive Vice President Dr. Sung Geun Lee. "We are pleased to collaborate on this first-of-its-kind offshore ...

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GTT lauches system to improve LNGC efficiency

GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz) and its partner Cryovision announce the launch of an innovative monitoring system to help reduce the effects of liquid motion in LNGCs (Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers) , including extra boil-off of LNG cargo, due to "sloshing" inside the vessel's tanks. The new tool, SloShield, uses an advanced algorithm that allows LNG carrier crews to constantly monitor the vibrations in each tank's structure due to specific sloshing activity by consulting easy-to-read screens in real-time, thus allowing them to make critical decisions based objective indicators to optimize the ship's operation. This first generation SloShield is the result of more than three years of prototyping onboard an LNGC in real operational conditions, which qualifies it as a sea-proven, safe and reliable system. It was developed from a joint effort between GTT engineers, drawing on significant amounts of actual historical data on liquid motion in navigational situations, and the Cryovision team which has packaged the offer and will install the tool. SloShield will be distributed by Cryovision on a turn-key basis that includes: studies, class validation, procurement, erection and commissioning. In addition, GTT experts are available to review the sloshing data, together with the operational environmental parameters to capitalize on each vessel's ...

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Seagoing ships can now bunker LNG in Rotterdam

As of 1 July vessels can bunker LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) in the port of Rotterdam. Up to now only inland shipping could do this in the Seinehaven. The Municipality of Rotterdam took over the proposals of the Port of Rotterdam Authority Harbour Master to that end and amended the Rotterdam Port Management Bye-laws accordingly. The legislative amendment is a huge impulse for the introduction of LNG as fuel for shipping. LNG is cheaper and cleaner for the environment than fuel oil, the traditional shipping fuel. It is anticipated that many ports will follow the example of the port of Rotterdam as largest European port. The legislative amendment is in line with the aim of the Port of Rotterdam Authority to promote the use of LNG as shipping fuel and to become a leading LNG hub. The Port Authority previously supported an initiative of Gate to open an LNG terminal on the Maasvlakte in 2011. Facilities in the Seinehaven were opened last year allowing inland shipping to bunker LNG from an LNG tanker. The European Union (EU) supports these initiatives warmly. A subsidy of €40 million was awarded at the end of last year to stimulate the use of LNG ...

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LNG-powered ships to receive discount in the Port of Gothenburg

Ships powered by liquefied natural gas, LNG, can expect a substantial reduction in the port tariff when they call at the Port of Gothenburg. The discount will come into effect in 2015 and will continue for four years. The aim is to induce more shipping companies to switch to cleaner fuel. Magnus Kårestedt, Chief Executive at the Port of Gothenburg, says: "It has been our firm belief for a long time that LNG is the fuel of the future. This initiative is entirely in line with our ambition to reduce the environmental impact of shipping and create a sustainable Scandinavian freight hub." LNG-powered ships receive a total tariff discount of 30 per cent when they call at the port. The discount will apply until December 2018. In one year alone this would represent a substantial saving for ships that call at the Port of Gothenburg on a regular basis. There are considerable environmental benefits to be gained from using LNG in shipping and industry. Sulphur and particle emissions are reduced to almost zero, nitrogen emissions by 85-90 per cent and carbon dioxide emissions by 25 per cent. Carl Carlsson of the Swedish Shipowners' Association highlights the leadership demonstrated by the ...

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Port of Rotterdam welcomes waterway vessel refitted for LNG

The first inland waterway vessel refitted with a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) drive system was officially delivered 19 June in Rotterdam. For 8 weeks the push-tow combination was at Koedood Diesel Service in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht where the engines have been replaced by dual-fuel LNG engines from Wärtsilä. This makes the Eiger-Nordwand the first barge in the world that has been converted to LNG propulsion. The conversion to LNG gives the Eiger-Nordwand great advantages in emissions reduction and savings in fuel costs compared to diesel. The emission of pollutants is greatly reduced: 20% less CO2, 85% less nitrogen and 99% less particulate matter. The official program started with speeches by Siebe Riedstra, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and Sophie Cabanis, policy officer at DG Move from the European Commission. In the presence of 400 relations, a panel discussion was held under the leadership of Paul van Liempt, during which the benefits of LNG as fuel, the development of LNG infrastructure and Danser Groups long-term vision on sustainability of the inland container transport per barge where discussed. After the official part was finished a spectacular trampoline act took place on board of the barge. The Maas between Erasmus- and ...

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Doosan delivers first ME-GI engine to NASSCO

Doosan Engine has confirmed delivery of the world's first dual-fuel, low-speed ME-GI engine to the American National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) shipyard in San Diego, USA. The new engine is capable of operation on LNG and/or bunker C oil and will power the first of two 3,100-teu container ships ordered by TOTE, the American marine transportation company. The Korean engine maker originally won the order to build the ME-GI engines in 2013, since which time the first ME-GI unit has successfully passed through design, manufacture, and test-run stages. On 3 June 2014, Doosan Engine successfully completed the engine's official trial run in the presence of the shipowner, shipyard, and classification society representatives. Doosan Engine also tested the ME-GI's Fuel Gas Supply System (FGSS), which has 300 bar of operating pressure, at its Changwon plant. At the culmination of two months of extensive testing, the gas system had passed all regulations and restrictions as regulated by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and United States Coast Guard (USCG). The TOTE ME-GI engine will primarily operate on LNG, which is currently more competitively priced than bunker-C oil. The ME-GI is a next-generation, eco-friendly engine, which reduces polluted material such as carbon ...

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BP and CNOOC sign 20-year LNG agreement

BP and the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced a heads of agreement for the supply of up to 1.5 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) per year over 20 years starting in 2019. The agreement was signed in London by BP Executive Vice President, Dev Sanyal and CNOOC Chairman, Wang Yilin, in the presence of UK Prime Minister David Cameron and Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang. Bob Dudley, BP Group Chief Executive said: "This is a significant deal for BP and China but it also marks a step up in global connectivity in the gas market. This is important for all countries and regions looking at the diversity of energy supply and energy security - it gives BP greater flexibility to respond to the changing energy demands from Europe, Asia and other regions. "We are pleased to support China's commitment to improving its air quality. This agreement is the first long-term LNG supply deal wih China where BP is the sole supplier and it should play a crucial role in enhancing China's energy diversification and supporting its economic growth." A full commercial contract is expected to be agreed in mid-2014. BP would expect to supply LNG from its ...

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SPNL hosts meeting on alternative fuels and upcoming regulations

Shipping Professional Network in London (SPNL) hosted another well attended event, sponsored by DNV-GL and held at the UK Chamber of Shipping offices in London. Mr. Martin Crawford-Brunt (UK & Rep of Ireland Manager for DNV-GL) was keynote speaker for this event, covering three main topics: Navigating the raft of upcoming regulations in a cost-effective way Alternative fuels and niche solutions/new technologies Reducing operating expenses to increase competitiveness Martin, responsible for DNV-GL's Maritime business in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, spoke of the challenges of energy efficiency and the shipping industry being prepared to embrace future changes. "I think everybody realises we are entering a challenging decade, looking at the increased number of stricter regulations coming in at a rapid pace and, more importantly, with unclear implementation or enforcement dates. When you look at tonnage oversupply, rising operating costs, global energy prices and the volatility connected to those, together with technology, it has become very difficult to choose what to do and when to do it." Of course the backdrop to this is an increase in tonne miles in global shipping - approximately 4% on a global basis as the world economy grows. There will always be a ...

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SeaRoad orders LNG-powered RoRo ferry from FSG

Flensburger-Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) signed a contract with the Australian shipping company SeaRoad for a 181 metres long RoRo ferry ship new building. For FSG Managing Director Peter Sierk this is very much more than just another contract. “On the one hand, our shipyard is to deliver a ship to Australia for the first time ever. On the other hand , this new building demonstrates yet again the high-level competence of our yard and our innovative capabilities”, he says. “We are very proud that SeaRoad has chosen us and that our ideas have prevailed over those of international competitors. We look forward to continuing the good and intensive co-operation we already enjoy with SeaRoad and which has been characterised over the the time by great trust, professionalism and by our mutual focus on finding innovative solutions”, Sierk adds. The world’s first RoRo ferry of this size with liquefied natural gas propulsion is designed to provide future regular liner service between Melbourne on the Australian mainland and Devonport on the island of Tasmania. This RoRo ferry will be able to transport reefer containers and hazardous cargo side by side. This will be made possible by a special concept developed by FSG. Commented Peter ...

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