Tag: ISO standards

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BV Completes first Energy Management Systems Certification

New standard ISO 50001: 2011 - Energy Management Systems Bureau Veritas has completed the first certification audit of any shipping company in the world to the new standard ISO 50001: 2011 - Energy Management Systems.Stena's ship management division, Northern Marine Management Ltd including Northern Marine Management (USA) LLC, has achieved certification to BS ISO 50001, which ensures systematic monitoring and control of energy usage, helping to optimise efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, reduce the company's environmental footprint and provide a cost saving for the vessels owners.Only four other organizations in the UK have this certification, one being the Royal Mint, and no other shipping company has yet achieved this. Northern Marine Management technically manages 57 vessels, including the Stena tanker and gas carrier fleet as well as vessels for various other blue chip ship owners. Says Philip Fullerton, Technical Director, Northern Marine Management, "Achieving this new and high standard for energy management across the whole company is a key step for us in demonstrating that shipping is at the forefront of environmental responsibility." BS ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems is intended to assist organizations in making better use of their existing energy consuming assets, create transparency and facilitate communication on the ...

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‘Cold Ironing’ confusion lifted

This allows the vessel to shut down its diesel engines thereby cutting all airborne emissions Confusion around a global standard over shore-to-ship electrical connections has recently been addressed by the publication of the IEC 'Publicly Available Standard' (IEC/ISO/IEEE 60092-510).This is aimed at ensuring global compatibility for connections, communication and protection, a leading engineering company said.UK-based ABB Marine and Cranes is promoting what it sees as the huge environmental and commercial benefits in the use of shore-to-ship high voltage electrical connection technology.Also known as 'cold ironing' and 'alternative marine power' this is essentially the port operator providing a connection to the local electricity network for the vessel.This allows the vessel to shut down its diesel engines thereby cutting all airborne emissions (CO2, plus other emissions such as NOx, SOx and particulate matter).In addition to the significant benefit to the environment, a reduction in noise pollution and vibration is realised, which has a positive effect on local communities, ABB said.Stuart Melling, ABB Marine and Crane business unit account manager said "This development removes some of the uncertainty a port and vessel operator would have around investing in this technology. The environmental benefits are clear, most of our customers accept this but also ...

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European bunker fuel market slow to move to new ISO standard

New specification is less abrasive to engines, due to the lower aluminum and silicon content On June 15 2010, the fourth edition of the International Standards Organization's 8217 document prescribing marine fuel specification limits was released by the non-governmental organization. In the past buyers and sellers have adopted ISO standards readily, with almost all global bunker hubs trading to ISO standards.However, despite the ongoing rise in the number of inquiries for the latest ISO standard -- and indeed the number of suppliers able to provide the new specification also rising -- not all shipowners require or want the new 2010 specifications, while not every bunker supplier can guarantee them.Demand for the new standard has increased as some ship owners have embraced its benefits; the new specification is less abrasive to their engines, specifically due to the lower aluminum and silicon content of the fuel.While not the only revision made to the 2010 document, the new 60 ppm aluminum and silicon content -- down from ISO's 2005 80 ppm -- has had the most marked effect on the price of bunker fuel conforming to 2010 specifications versus fuel conforming to 2005 specifications.Trade sources currently estimate the cost of the lower metal ...

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Should the IMO and the ISO review the minimum flash point limit for marine distillate fuels?

The question is what flash point limit represents an acceptable safety risk on board ships The international shipping organisation BIMCO and the shipping giant Maersk have suggested that the time has come to review the regulatory minimum flash point limit for marine fuels, in particular for marine distillates.The International Maritime Organization (IMO) SOLAS regulation requires that fuel used on board ships shall have a flash point of not less than 60C. This is also stated as the minimum flash point limit for marine fuels in ISO 8217, the global fuel standard from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).Flashpoint refers to the lowest temperature at which a fuel can vaporise to form an ignitable mixture in air. Lowering the flash point for marine distillates from 60C to 55C would bring it into line with the limit for inland distillate fuels in Europe and potentially open up a wider supply basis for the marine fuels market.Demand for low sulphur marine gas oil (MGO) has been growing due to European Union (EU) requirements for ships at berth to use fuels with maximum 0.1% sulphur content. Demand for this fuel is expected to surge when the sulphur limit in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) falls ...

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Bureau Veritas now accredited ISO17020 for inland navigation

To carry out statutory services as a Type A inspection body Belgian accreditation body Belac has accredited Bureau Veritas Inland Navigation Management (DNI) as an organization competent to perform the classification of inland navigation vessels and to carry out statutory services as a Type A inspection body within the requirements of the NBN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004 standard.DNI is an autonomous organization within the Marine Division of Bureau Veritas. And although BV's Marine Division is already certified according to ISO 9001 standard as well as to the standards required under the IACS Quality Scheme, the decision was taken to go further and to meet the standards initially required of delegated authorized companies by the Dutch inspection authority, Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat, and since then suggested by other Administrations.This international standard imposes stringent requirements on inspection bodies, including strict criteria governing quality systems, organization, personnel skills, impartiality, confidentiality, equipment, and inspection methods. All these requirements must be complied with by DNI's head office in Antwerp and by its survey centers.The scope of accreditation embraces inspections, surveys and drawings reviews for classification carried out in Belgium. It also includes statutory issues relating to compliance with relevant European directives, the Rhine Rules, ADN, and ...

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Collapsible Cargoshell shipping container seeks ISO certification

These containers could significantly lower CO2 emissions worldwide The ingenious Cargoshell shipping container concept is about to be tested for ISO certification by Germanische Lloyd. Wholesale adoption of the collapsible composite Cargoshell could significantly lower CO2 emissions worldwide.It is much lighter than present steel containers, but most importantly, it's collapsible. Though containerisation has streamlined global trade, it remains inefficient. The current steel containers use the same space whether they are empty or full, and waste valuable resources globally being transported and stored empty.A Cargoshell can be broken down by one person in 30 minutes, to a quarter of its original volume.Source: Gizmag

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Concerns about the hydrogen sulphide limit included in the latest revision of the fuel standard

ISO 8217 places a 2mg/kg limit on H2S as a safety net for crew The question of the potential hazards posed by hydrogen sulphide has been raised before in connection with the new ISO standard for marine fuels and a recent study has rekindled debate.A DNV Petroleum Services (DNVPS) field study on hydrogen sulphide (H2S) measurements in marine fuel has raised concerns about the reliability of ISO 8217:2010, which places a 2mg/kg limit on H2S as a safety net for ship personnel. In recent years ISO 8217 has undergone four revisions.The inaugural standard was agreed in 1987, while the current one was launched last July, but concerns continue to be raised about the H2S limit included in the latest revision of the standard.

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