Tag: Isle of Man

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Isle of Man Ship Registry Sails into The Year of The Dragon with Record Tonnage

A 12% increase The Isle of Man ship registry, one of the world's leading ship registries, just announced record tonnage for the year ending 2011, entering the Year of the Dragon with a bang.Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) is the datum used to compare the world's ship registers and a year on year comparison shows a 12% increase in total GRT, climbing steadily from 12.36m GRT at the end of 2010 to 13.84m GRT as we enter 2012.With the new numbers, it is now among the top 15 ship registries in the world. This demonstrates significant growth in the larger types of vessels registering given that the register topped 10m GRT for the first time in its history in April 2009. The market segment which saw a rapid take-up rate, was the Asia Pacific region, particularly Japanese and Singapore-based corporations, who are now more perceptive of the flag's value.Dick Welsh, Director of the Isle of Man Ship Registry, said: "The growth in numbers shows that we are well placed to provide a more cost effective solution for registration without any compromise in quality or service for ship operators and owners.""Having just recovered from the global crisis of 2008, ship owners are ...

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Manx registered ship first to sail through Japanese port following natural disaster

MV Emily Manx ailed into the Ishinomaki port, on September 10 A MANX registered ship was the first ship to sail into a devastated Japanese port following an earthquake and tsunami in March.The MV Emily Manx, which is owned by local ship-owner Lars Ugland, sailed into the Ishinomaki port, which lies on the north eastern shores of Honshu, on September 10.The occasion was heralded by the port and the story made two Japanese newspapers - the Kahoku Shinbun and the Hibi Shinbun.The MV Emily Manx, which was carrying coal, set sail from Indonesia on August 30. Its first port of call was Sendai where it dropped off 20,000mt of cargo for the factory of the Nippon Paper Group Inc. The vessel then sailed to Ishinomaki and dropped around 24,000mt of coal.The fuel was intended to be used for the boilers to generate power for the main paper machine to re-produce paper for books for the Nippon Paper Group.10 executive officers from Nippon Paper Group, inclding the factory director Mr Kurata, welcomed the MV Emily Manx when she berthed at Ishinomaki. Mr Kurata said "We are gradually progressing and we will continue to work towards recovery from the earthquake."He thanked the ...

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Isle of Man Ship Registry backs seafarers’ rights and strengthens commitment to Asia

Declaration of Principles - Better living and employment conditions and pay Seafarers' rights took a significant step forward after a "Declaration of Principles" agreement was signed which gives seafarers serving on Isle of Man-registered ships better living and employment conditions and pay.Formalising years of hard work to protect seafarers' interests, the Isle of Man Ship Registry is proud to lead the signing of the tripartite agreement between the Isle of Man Government, the Isle of Man Shipping Association and the seafarers' representative unions.The "Declaration of Principles", originally agreed and signed in 2003, has been revised to include recent international developments, taking a big leap towards protecting the lives of seafarers.The Declaration recognises the importance of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) which will be the new standard enforced globally to cover the rights of seafarers. Keeping pace with the progress, the Isle of Man is working towards its adoption when MLC enters into force in 2012.Dick Welsh, Director of the Isle of Man Ship Registry, said: "The tripartite relationship, which has been developed over many years in the Isle of Man, is invaluable in our work on the new convention. It is a forum by which we can consult on draft ...

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Isle of Man signs new Declaration for seafarers

Designed to improve the living and working conditions The Isle of Man has entered into a new tripartite declaration designed to improve the living and working conditions of all seafarers on Isle of Man-registered ships.This formalises the important work carried out in a tripartite forum between the Isle of Man Government, the Isle of Man Shipping Association and the seafarers' representative unions, which has been in place for many years.The forum has been a key element in the continued success of the Isle of Man's Ship Registry as it demonstrates the commitment to the seafarers serving on its ships to ensure they are provided with the right living and working conditions, employment conditions and pay.The "Declaration of Principles", originally agreed and signed in 2003, has been revised to bring it up to date with international developments.Additionally, the Declaration recognises the importance of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) and demonstrates how the Isle of Man is working towards its adoption. The MLC, which is expected to enter into force in 2012, will be the new standard enforced globally to cover the rights of seafarers.Minister for Economic Development, Alan Bell MHK, commented: "I am delighted that we have been able to sign ...

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