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International Group issues FAQs on the new EU Iran Sanctions

New European Union Measures against Iran While the industry still await the EU Council Regulation that will implement the oil import, purchase and transport ban, this is expected shortly and it is hoped will add some clarity to the Council Decision 2012/35. In the meantime, the International Group has put together a useful list of FAQs which interim provide advice on the complex issues these sanctions raise. To view the FAQs, please click here.Attention should be drawn in particular to questions 9 and 10 which deal with the impact of the sanctions on P & I cover and renewal from 20 February 2012.Operators are advised to liaise with their P & I providers and to seek specialist legal advice if contemplating any trade involving Iran. Source : IG P&I Clubs

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Maersk Suspends Oil Tanker Trade Deals with Iran After EU Sanctions

Shipping and oil company, A.P. Moller-Maersk, has suspended new oil tanker deals Shipping and oil company, A.P. Moller-Maersk, has suspended new oil tanker deals with Iran because of the European Union sanctions which will embargo imports of oil from the Islamic Republic into the bloc, according to Maersk representatives.Other international shipping companies are becoming cautious of the growing sanctions and complications now involved in trading with Iran. Maersk has suspended all new fixtures involving Iran and products with Iranian origin as well. This came into effect as of January 24, 2012.Aspreviously reported, the EU banned imports of oil from Iran; European oil companies are forced to end all Iran crude dealings by July of this year. The EU also agreed to freeze the assets of Iran's central bank and ban trade in gold and other precious metals with the bank and state bodies. These sanctions will greatly affect trading patterns in regards to the import, purchase, and transport of Iranian oil for numerous companies.On the other hand, Maersk representatives claim that its tanker unit made only 14 Iran related voyages in 2011, which represents a very small portion of their activity. Frontline, the world's largest independent tanker operator, also said ...

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Iran reportedly renames ships to dodge sanctions

Iran renamed 90 cargo ships in its container line In an effort to avoid sanctions, Iran renamed 90 cargo ships in its container line, which enables the country to circumvent sanctions on arms sales and the movement of nuclear equipment, The Jerusalem Post reported.One of the authors of the report, published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, likened Iran's tactics to shuffling a deck of cards in a Las Vegas casino."There is a constant game of cat and mouse being played," Hugh Griffiths, a co-author of the two-year report said, according to the paper. "And the renaming and re-flagging of vessels of different states is a way of trying to avoid inspection because of sanctions."The report said the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line, once the 23rd largest container line in the world, has renamed 90 out of its 123-ship fleet and re-flagged additional ships, the paper reported.The Post reported instances where the Israeli Navy caught Iranian arms ships transporting weapons in the volatile area and sought assistance from Western countries to help stanch the smuggling.Tension has been building over Iran's nuclear program. The West is imposing new sanctions, charging that Iran is building nuclear weapons. Iran denies that ...

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Iran, Iraq Agree to Launch Joint Shipping Line

To enhance their marine cooperation Iran and Iraq reached an agreement on launching a joint shipping line to enhance their marine cooperation, Managing-Director of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) Seyed Ataollah Sadr announced.Speaking to FNA, Sadr underlined that launching a joint shipping line between Iran and Iraq will provide the ground for both countries' private companies to set up a joint company to increase their cooperation."Iran can have desirable cooperation in maritime and port fields with the friendly and brotherly country of Iraq," he added.Sadr also expressed the hope that Tehran and Baghdad would activate a joint committee in the near future for maritime cooperation.Tehran and Baghdad signed a number of bilateral agreements during Iraqi Transportation Minister Hadi Farhan al-Amiri's recent visit to Iran.During the visit, the Iranian and Iraqi officials also agreed to establish joint companies to facilitate transportation of goods and passengers between the two countries."On the sidelines of a recent meeting (between the Iranian and Iraqi road and transportation ministers), the two sides agreed to set up joint transportation companies," Iranian Deputy Minister of Road and UrbanizationShahriyar Afandizadeh told FNA on Saturday.He expressed the hope that the measure would further facilitate transportation between the two neighboring ...

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Wen defends Iran oil, warns on nuclear aims

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao defended his country extensive oil trade with Iran Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao defended his country's extensive oil trade with Iran against Western sanctions pressure in comments published on Thursday, and yet also warned Tehran against any effort to acquire nuclear weapons.Wen spoke on Wednesday at the end of a six-day visit to the Middle East, against a backdrop of tensions over possible U.S. sanctions on nations that do energy trade with Iran, which Western powers say is focused on developing nuclear weapons.Iran has insisted its nuclear goals are peaceful, and in late December threatened to punish the latest Western sanctions by choking off oil flows through the Strait of Hormuz, a vital route for much of the Middle East's oil exports."China adamantly opposes Iran developing and possessing nuclear weapons," said Wen, and he warned against potential confrontation in the Strait of Hormuz. Beijing is usually much more coy in public about saying Iran could want nuclear arms.Speaking at a news conference in Doha, Wen also took aim at both potential threats to China's oil imports: the U.S. sanctions pressure and the Hormuz tensions."I also want to clearly point out that China's oil trade with Iran is ...

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EU ban on Iran oil imports draws ever closer

Reports in the media suggest that the European Union may ban Iranian oil imports Reports in the media suggest that the European Union may ban Iranian oil imports from 1 July 2012. It is felt that the July deadline will give Member States the time to terminate existing contracts in accordance with the proposal made by the Danish Presidency on 15 January. Once the embargo is in place, Member States would have until the end of June to fulfil existing contracts with Tehran and will have to cease all imports from July onwards. No new contracts will be authorised before the July deadline.Speaking to Reuters, European diplomats said that the EU Presidency intends to finalise discussions at the next meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers on 23 January, so that the agreement can be officially put into place in the days that follow.According to one European source, though, no agreement has yet been reached. Greece, for example, is very dependent upon Iranian oil and has not yet given its agreement because it is still seeking alternative supply sources. Spain, too, is very dependent on Iranian oil but according to a US diplomat based in Spain, the country would still approve ...

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Iran says not storing oil in Gulf due to sanctions

Iran has not stored oil on tankers in the Gulf Iran has not stored oil on tankers in the Gulf, and its crude exports have not been disrupted due to mounting international pressure over its disputed nuclear program, an oil official told the semi-official Mehr news agency.On Tuesday shipping sources told Reuters the volume of Iranian crude oil stored at sea had risen to as much as 8 million barrels and was likely to increase further as the Islamic Republic struggles with sanctions and a seasonal refinery slowdown."There has been no disruption in Iran's crude exports through the Persian Gulf ... We have not stored oil in the Gulf because of sanctions as some foreign media reported," Pirouz Mousavi told Mehr."We do not have even one drop of oil (stored) in the Persian Gulf ... Iran's oil exports are taking place based on the OPEC's policies."Iran, OPEC's second-largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia with output of about 3.5 million barrels per day, faces trade hurdles over its nuclear program, which the United States and its allies say is aimed at building bombs.Iran says it needs nuclear technology to generate electricity.European Union countries have agreed in principle to embargo imports of ...

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Iran, Syria and North Korea Sanctions Legislation

Proposed 180 Day Rule, Certification and Enhanced Inspections The London P&I Club issues alert regarding Iran, Syria and North Korea Sanctions Legislation ( Proposed 180 Day Rule, Certification and Enhanced Inspections) as follows: Operators should be aware of the ongoing review by the US of their sanctions policies in respect of Iran, Syria and North Korea. Although no legislation has come into force which directly affects shipping since our News Alert of 16 December 2011 (click here to review the latest legislation as at that date), there are now US proposals regarding a 180 day rule, certification and enhanced inspections which, if they are adopted, may significantly affect Operators who currently continue trading with Iran, Syria or North Korea. Under the proposed legislation: Ships would be prohibited from calling at any port in the US if the vessel has entered a port in Iran, Syria or North Korea during the last 180 days preceding the arrival of the ship in the US. Either the owner, charterer, operator or the master would be required prior to arrival in the US to certify compliance with the proposed 180 day rule. Federal authorities would be authorised to carry out enhanced inspection on ships ...

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How US sanctions may affect worldwide petroleum trade with Iran

Any company engaged in substantial business with Iran should have a contingency plan INTERTANKO has received a number of enquiries from Members regarding recent and proposed US sanctions on Iran. Jonathan Epstein, a partner in the Washington DC office of our Associate Member, Holland and Knight, has kindly provided the following commentary on this issue for the benefit of all Members.BeginsOn December 31, 2011, President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2012 ("NDAA" or "the Act"). Amended to and included in this major piece of legislation was Section 1245 ("Imposition of Sanctions with Respect to the Financial Sector of Iran"), which requires the President to sanction foreign financial institutions (e.g., foreign banks) that facilitate significant transactions with Iranian banks, particularly with respect to oil transactions.While there are grace periods for compliance, and considerable latitude given to the President to waive imposition of sanctions, the potential ramifications of this legislation are enormous for companies that operate tanker vessels carrying petroleum and petroleum products to and from Iran as, for the first time, the US has targeted transactions involving the export of crude oil from Iran to third countries.These new sanctions follow closely after the sanctions ...

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Can Iran close down the Strait of Hormuz?

Any attempt to close the oil lanes is likely to lead to a major conflict The last time Iran tried to close the Strait of Hormuz, the trade artery linking the oil-rich Gulf states to the outside world, the Revolutionary Guards had only a few rubber dinghies and primitive mines to achieve their goals. Next time, they will be far better prepared.For the ayatollahs, the Strait of Hormuz, which lies between Iran and the tiny sheikdoms of the Gulf, has become a national obsession in their long-standing confrontation with the West. They know that, for all their long-held nuclear ambitions, they will never be able to match America's military supremacy.Even if they were to develop the know-how to fit a nuclear warhead to a ballistic missile, the odds are that the weapon would be shot down the moment it left its launch pad by one of the hundreds of anti-missile batteries the US has deployed around the Gulf region in anticipation of just such an eventuality.So far as the ayatollahs are concerned, a far more effective way of attacking the West would be to place a stranglehold on their economies. As General Sir David Richards, the head of Britain's Armed ...

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