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Ballast Water Convection – Tripartite Meeting Shares Concerns with Implementation

ICS, IACS, BIMCO, Intercargo, Intertanko, OCIMF, CESS Representatives of the leading worldwide Associations of Shipbuilders, Classification Societies and Shipowners met in Busan, Korea for their annual Tripartite meeting hosted by the Korean Register of Shipping and KOSHIPA, the national shipbuilders association.The meeting was united in expressing its serious concern with the obstacles that all three parties face as the Ballast Water Management Convention moves closer to ratification, eight years after its text was adopted. It was always going to be challenging to fit ballast water treatment equipment to all of the world's 70,000 ships.New technologies needed to be explored and developed to treat the volume of water required by ocean going ships as ballast. However the slow pace of ratification by IMO member States has negated the carefully staged implementation programme that was a feature of the original Convention. Now that the fixed timeline for implementation has passed without entry into force it means that, as soon as the Ballast Water Management Convention does meet its ratification criteria, thousands of ships will need to be fitted in a very short time.Whilst strenuous efforts were made by industry, this will put unattainable demands on ship repair facilities, engineering capabilities and on ...

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INTERTANKO requests change to US EPA VGP Ballast Water schedule

INTERTANKO, as part of an industry coalition, has sent a letter to the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Assistant Administrator for Water requesting a change to the draft 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) ballast water treatment implementation schedule for newly built ships to be consistent with the US Coast Guard final rule schedule.The letter emphasises that is important to provide industry with a single, achievable US federal schedule for the installation of type-approved treatment technologies on ships calling at US ports.To view a copy of the letter click hereSource: INTERTANKO

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Industry airs concerns over BWM Convention

Document was submitted to the IMO including major concerns over BWMS Concerns over the IMO's Ballast Water Convention (BWM) have been expressed by leading shipping organisations to the IMO ahead of this October's MEPC 64 meeting.A document was submitted to the IMO endorsed by Liberia, the Marshall Islands, Panama, BIMCO, INTERTANKO, CLIA, INTERCARGO, InterManager, IPTA, NACE and WSC.As has been raised at previous MEPC meetings, there are a number of issues that are affecting ratification and implementation of the BWM Convention that need to be addressed by the MEPC and the IMO member states to ensure proper and effective implementation of the convention.The major concerns of the authors are as follows:1) Need for revision of the Guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems (G8) to improve transparency and ensure appropriate robustness of ballast water management systems (BWMS).2) Availability of BWMS and sufficient facilities to install BWMS.3) Survey and certification requirements for ships constructed prior to entry into force of the BWM Convention.4) sampling and analysis procedures for port State control purposes.In June 2012, there were 23 type approved BWMS on the market; 25 BWMS have been approved in total with two BWMS having been withdrawn from the market by ...

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