Tag: Intercargo

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Shipping industry issues updated anti-piracy guidelines on Gulf of Guinea

Hointly developed guidelines by BIMCO, ICS, INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO The Round Table of international shipping industry associations has released an updated version of Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Masters for Protection Against Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea Region. The Guidelines have been jointly developed by BIMCO, ICS, INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO.Piracy and armed robbery in the waters off West Africa has become an established criminal activity of very serious concern to the maritime sector. Incidents have recently occurred as far south as Angola and as far north as Sierra Leone. These attacks have become increasingly violent, often involving firearms, and cases of kidnapping for ransom have also become more common. The global shipping industry has therefore acted in concert to update its existing Guidelines to take account of what has become a totally unacceptable security situation.Although the nature of the attacks against shipping in West Africa differs from that of Somalia-based piracy, the basic principles of the Best Management Practices, previously developed by the industry to help protect against piracy in the Indian Ocean, are also applicable. The Guidelines should therefore be read in conjunction with BMP4, but seek to tailor this to the specifics of the threat in West ...

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Intercargo Calls for Improved and Transparent Public Reporting Following Ship Casualties

To ensure that the largest possible audience can learn from the findings During the forthcoming IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 92 to be held 12 - 21 June2013) Intercargo, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners will present its BulkCarrier Casualty Report and will call for member States to fully investigate ship losses andvery serious casualties, and to make accident investigation reports available in the publicdomain, to ensure that the largest possible audience can learn from the findings. Objectivity,subjugating legal restrictions in deference to safety, adopting IMO principles and makingcasualty investigation reports available in a timely fashion should also be key objectives.As a result of continuous monitoring of the worrying aspects of very serious casualties overthe years and following the tragic loss of the bulk carrier Harita Bauxite in February 2013,Intercargo conducted a thorough examination of data stemming from the IMO GlobalIntegrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) Marine Casualties and Incidents modulefrom 2008 to 2011. The research revealed that many serious bulk carrier incidents, in whichboth loss of life and vessel were recorded, were, in the majority of cases, either notaccompanied by an investigation report or the report was not available for download.Speaking of the research findings, Rob Lomas Secretary General ...

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Dry Bulk Shipowners, Cargo Interests to Benefit from IMO MEPC Decision

Greater clarity for HME cargoes re MARPOL V compliance Shipowners pleas for greater clarity on what to do when there are no adequate port receptionfacilities to receive residues including Hold Washing Water (HWW) from cargoes deemed"Harmful to the Marine Environment" (HME), have been substantially answered after animportant decision at the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee held on 13-17 May.With effect from 1 January 2013, shippers and shipowners faced difficulties in meeting therequirements of the amended MARPOL Annex V regulations which entered into force on thatday without knowing whether there were suitable facilities to process the dry residues andHWW at the receiving port.Compounded by the fact that a few shippers did not realise that the IMO had clarified inCircular MEPC.1/Circ 791 that they had to declare whether a commodity was HME or notwith immediate effect, albeit with some flexibility on the criteria used to define HME until theend of 2014, many shippers and owners were left confused as to how to comply with theregulations.However, this is set to change after Governments at the IMO meeting consideredrepresentations from Intercargo - the Dry Bulk Shipowners Association and supported byother Round Table Shipowners Associations and concerned Flag and Port States, whichidentified the scale of ...

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